Aggressive Optimizations
Here is the list of aggressive optimizations that you can use as quick & dirty hacks to boost performance of your apps. All these techniques reduce rendering quality, so use them with caution! Normally, you should always be patient and stick to the "official" recommendations specified here and here.
Disable shadows
This can help a lot, especially if you:
- Use huge shadow maps (perhaps it's time to reduce [1] their size!)
- Use a lot of shadow sources (stick to just one!)
- Use PCF (Poisson Disk) / ESM shadow filtering (choose Basic or Bilinear)
- Cast shadows from the point lights (never!)
Disable post-processing
It's not always about post-processing puzzles. Don't forget about ambient occlusion and outlining which are enabled in the modeling suite!
Disable HDR rendering
Of course you never enable it without proper thinking.
Remove reflection cubemaps and planes
Reflection cubemaps affect loading speed, planes affect both loading speed and rendering performance. Both consume GPU memory.
Use either light sources or HDR environment reflections
Stick to one of them:
- Keep light sources (preferably one light) but disable specular environment reflections by switching IBL mode - use Light Probe which provides only diffuse lighting.
- Remove all light sources. For better performance you might switch IBL mode to "Light Probe + Cubemap".
Set IBL cubemap size to 256
Quick and easy, almost no quality harm, but makes your app less VRAM-hungry. See here.
Set View Transform to Standard
Blender only. Perhaps you didn't even know about the existence of this Blender setting... It's nothing serious, just minor FPS boost and minor reduction of the scene loading time. However, it is just a couple of clicks and brings you no quality harm (just slightly different scene look).
Reduce amount of rendered pixels
This one is brutal. Use the set screen puzzle with value < 1. Start with 0.75 and continue to 0.5.
Emission shading only
Absolute hardcore which can make your scene as fast as a lightning bolt. This is how good old 3D games were made back in 90-es. Don't worry about quality, though, since in 2020-es you have way more geometry and larger textures in your possession.
The idea is simple - bake everything to textures (ambient occlusion, lighting, diffuse) and use only emission shaders.