Forum Replies Created
Customer+1 for this. Also the option to just export “geometry” gltf, instead of full export with textures would be a great addition.
CustomerI managed to get instancing with 3dsMax and pure js running:
CustomerGetting back here. My code was correct so far, the offset issue was caused by the group the dummy objects were part of.
I always forget that you need to set the pivot of the GRP to 0,0,0 coordinates in 3dsMax. Otherwise you get that offset when using coordinates from other objects.
So this code here is working when you want to create instanced objects which are created and positioned by dummy objects which are part of a group:
var dummies = retrieveObjectNames(['GROUP', 'GRP_Dummies']); var instanceCount = dummies.length; var baseGeometry = getObjectByName('Teapot001'); var material = baseGeometry.material; var baseGeometryCloned = baseGeometry.geometry.clone(); var meshInstance = new v3d.InstancedMesh(baseGeometryCloned, material, instanceCount); meshInstance.instanceMatrix.setUsage( THREE.DynamicDrawUsage ); dummies.forEach((elem, index) => { var dummyObject = getObjectByName(elem); dummyObject.updateMatrix(); meshInstance.setMatrixAt(index, dummyObject.matrix); }) meshInstance.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true; app.scene.add(meshInstance);
Teapot001 is the mesh which I would like to copy instanced. And “GRP_Dummies” is just a group with several dummy objects I’ve created in max.
CustomerI’ve looked at these puzzles, but there is nothing mentioned about instacing. Its just copying/cloning.
CustomerPushing that topic.
I’ve seen that KTX is listed as supported on that page: it seems that you have to manually add the modules. Just using the
and loading “ktx2” files doesnt seem to work.web
CustomerMade some progress, seems that this would be the right way. But problem is that the position on the instances is not at the same position as the dummies. Its quite off. How can I set the instances to exactly the same position as the dummies in the scene.
var dummies = dd_webGL.retrieveObjectNames(['GROUP', 'GRP_Dummies']); var instanceCount = dummies.length; var baseGeometry = dd_webGL.getObjectByName('FP_Boote_CILNUEVOS_LP_0'); var material = baseGeometry.material; var baseGeometryCloned = baseGeometry.geometry.clone(); var meshInstance = new v3d.InstancedMesh(baseGeometryCloned, material, instanceCount); dummies.forEach((elem, index) => { var tempMatrix = dd_webGL.getObjectByName(elem).matrix; meshInstance.setMatrixAt(index, tempMatrix); meshInstance.scale.set(0.05, 0.05, 0.05); }) app.scene.add(meshInstance);
CustomerI had to deal with videos containing alpha channels last year. The application had to run on pretty much every device (mobile and desktop). I researched that topic quite heavily at that time.
I’ve not directly used these videos in verge3d, but as part of a microsite. For pretty much every device which isnt that old webm as vp8 or vp9 works with alpha channel right out the box. Except apple, who whould have guessed that
. I think the webm versions were also running on MacOS but not in Safari.
For apple devices you need to use .mov as a container and h265 as the codec.
Now the fun part: Encoding on windows the webm versions is quite easy with the adobe mediaencoder. Back then I needed to install an addon/hack in order to render webm out of mediaencoder. Dont know if this is still the case. h265: the only way back at that time was using a mac. Possible way one is using an encoder which comes prebuilt into the MacOS at a specific version. But sadly you dont have much control over bitrates and stuff. The better but the be paid option is to use compressor, there you got better control over the different encoding settings.
I dont know if this still applies today or if there is anything different when using the videos directly in verge.
Hopes this help
CustomerAs far as I know this is “normal behaviour”. The loading takes quite longer because Firefox doesnt support “Parallel Shader Compiling”. Depending on the scene this missing support can have quite a big impact on loading times.
Besides that the raw performance seems also to be quite lower on Firefox than on Chromium based browsers. I dont really think that there is much what could be done on our/webGL/verge3d side, this would be the devs of firefox.
CustomerOkay, managed to implement a fix for my needs, via adding different z-index to the annotations when camera is moving.
Would it be possible to implement that on your side? I think this would be a plus for many verge3d users.
CustomerNot possible at the moment. This feature was asked a while ago but wasnt yet included as far as I’m aware.
See here for example:2021-10-05 at 12:26 pm in reply to: Verge 3.8 appInstance.renderer.setPixelRatio(..) downscaling picture? #45852web
CustomerSorry to hjack this thread. But does that change also affect the “app.enableSSAA(1);”. Because it doesnt seem to work anymore?
CustomerGot some clickable objects where I want the camera to zoom on. I liked the idea of the zoomCamera puzzle but was never happy that you cant control the offset. Because the zoom tries to get the object into the full viewport size, which is much to big.
In the past I just created cameras by hand were I tweened the active camera to, but I was to lazy doing this to 11 objects, so I looked at the zoomCamera funtion a little bit closer.
2021-09-22 at 7:56 am in reply to: [SOLVED] Camera Rotation – 3D space / Verge vs. Google Street View #44979web
Customerapp.controls.rotateSpeed = -1
Just a negative number for the rotateSpeed.web
CustomerMaybe because iOS is now finally using webGL 2.0 as default instead of webGL 1.0? Just an assumption.
CustomerOkay, thx for the testing.
Then we hope that someone of the devs could shine some “light” on that topic. -