Forum Replies Created
vinodkumar p
Customerthank you.i did check that tutorial.It is like the spinner color and size changes
depending on the value provided by woocommerce options right?
Actually i need to apply the configured data from verge3d to woocommerce value.
Like, the price value in the woocommerce product needed to be set by the price of product in verge3d once we click ok Button in verge3d.i attached an image of itvinodkumar p
Customerok .got it.thank you
vinodkumar p
Customeri receiving this message from browser
Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘file:///C:/Users/vinodkumar/verge3d/applications/FZH_my_app/FZH_my_app.gltf’ from origin ‘null’ has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome-extension, edge, https.
v3d.js:1 ProgressEvent
(anonymous) @ v3d.js:1
FZH_my_app.js:90 Can’t load the scene FZH_my_app.gltf
FZH_my_app.gltf:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILEDvinodkumar p
Customeris this security policy added recently?
because i used to do with verge3d trial and created couple of applications one month back and coupl opened in edge and it is not working.
i added this verge 3d html file to other html page using iframe using google web designervinodkumar p
Customerok thanks
vinodkumar p
i can play it form localhost:8686
but i cannot load like this file:///C:/Users/vinodkumar/verge3d_blender/applications/TableConfig_app/TableConfig_app.html
just the logo showing -