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Thomas FabiniCustomer
Hi Yuri,
We decided to not ship the directional cone feature so that to not over-complicate the puzzle.
That makes sense, would be quite a bunch of settings…
Yes, the latest optimizations will across the shader code, not just Principled BDSF.
That. is. awesome. Can’t wait to test it on the Headsets – shaders seem to have by far the biggest impact on performance on those. Far more than geometry or heavy coding in any case.
Thomas FabiniCustomeryou can read position of any vertex from object.geometry.attributes.position
Nice, thanks kdv!
Btw.: Thanks for the hint with the rig, as far as I got with testing, a rig with splineIK constraint and baked animation seems to work far better than shape keys…
Thomas FabiniCustomerHi Yuri,
thanks for the latest additions and improvements in 4.8!Two things I’m curious about:
Does positional audio support only the omnidirectional spatial sound or the directional sound, too? (setDirectionalCone from the API with inner angle, outer angle and gain).Do the latest shader optimizations affect only the Principled BDSF or the older shader nodes, too (Diffuse, Transparent etc.)?
Regarding positional audio, some of our (VR) projects specifically require directional audio-sources, not only omnidirectional ones, that’s why I’m asking. Now, I’m aware, what makes Verge3D powerful are not lots of very specific features, but the features which benefit most Verge3d users. Even in our projects omnidirectional sound is a constant requirement, while directional sound isn’t… If directional sound isn’t planned for now I will use the available API to implement it.
Thomas FabiniCustomerUnfortunately, it’s not supported and we have no plans for that.
Hi Mikhail – thank you for clarifying this – I will try the solution with multiple bones and IK, like you and kdv suggested.
Oh wait, hang on… I overread “coding” – is there any information available on that, or which particular part of the api can / could be used? I actually thought of retrieving the world coordinates of a specific vertex from the mesh data (allthough I don’t know if it’s worth performance-wise).
- This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by Thomas Fabini.
Thomas FabiniCustomerAlso true… :)
Yeah, I haven’t actually tested bones – it’s about the meshed rope / cable / hose and physics I asked once about – I opted for a simplified approach, shape keys instead of physics.
It’s less fancy than physics but much more stable an controllable. (It’s still madness to set them up, but they work).With bones… I read bendy bones aren’t supported, that would be an awful long IK chain so that the cable bends without seeing the segments or bones. But you are right – if it works, it would solve my problems regarding parenting in an instant! I guess I’ll try that.
See? Your answer was longer than two letters it already helped. :D
Thomas FabiniCustomerI still admire the concise nature of that answer kdv… and its ability to end discussions.
@Yuri and team: Is vertex parenting something that is maybe considered for future versions?
Or is there maybe a way to read out the position of a single vertex in mesh?I’ve got the situation where I need to track the position of a vertex within a shape key morphed object. Since the interpolation between shape keys is linear, I can replicate the path of a vertex with an animated empty and use its position – but that’s one ugly workaround, and not helpful in matters of performance.
Thomas FabiniCustomerI’ve checked the mesh, it’s all ok with it. The problem not in depth write and zero faces but because of not sorted faces in trancperency mode.
Thank you very much for testing this, Mikhail.
I’ve tried this now, too, with a similar but clean mesh with no zero faces and the problems with depth sorting are just the same.I’ll try alpha hashed, too – I tried to avoid it, mainly too prevent Quest 2 / 3 performance drops on heavier scenes.
Thomas FabiniCustomerThank you a lot for taking the time to look into this…
I’ve just sent you a .blend file with the affected mesh from our project.Thomas FabiniCustomerThose will be available in the first preview of Verge3D 4.8. Stay tuned!
Great news Yuri, thank you very much!
Thomas FabiniCustomerHi Yuri,
are puzzles for positional audio planned anytime soon?
I get this requirement a lot in projects (but that’s mainly because they are targeted for VR).
So, I couldn’t tell if that many Verge3D users feel the same.I noted recently, that positional audio is already available in the API (which is great!).
If the puzzles would take some time to find there way into a release I would try to use this features through the API directly until then.Thomas FabiniCustomerWorks fine for me. You need just set for all cubes Pass Index 1 or more and for some cubes set the checkbox Depth Write, it’s unchecked on some of them.
Thanks for looking into this Mikhail,
you are right – with Depth Write I’m able to control which objects are rendered above or below other objects.Thing is, I’ve got some mesh geometry which doesn’t work well without Depth Write, can’t uncheck it for this mesh. The cause might be geometry with a large number of zero faces, which I have been unable to repair. The object is highly complex, rigged, rebuilding it from scratch would take quite some time.
That’s why I was looking for a solution that *might* work without Depth Write.
Plan B is disabling Depth Test through API in situations where Icons need to overlay and setting Depth Test back on when they don’t – which works fairly well.
Thomas FabiniCustomerHi Thomas,
Could not reproduce this issue on our side (see attach). Perhaps you could adjust this example for us so that we have something to debug.
Thank you for your example Yuri.
I have to apologize – I guess this got more to do with me being unable to understand transparency sorting, rather than a bug in the current version as I found out in current tests:I’m trying to have UI elements overlaying over objects in the scene, while same time being occluded by other objects. Maybe the render order isn’t the right tool, or setting to start with.
Since render order on object level is one property which affects transparency in Verge3D there are all other settings on material level (especially depth write and depth test beside blend mode) which lead in combination to a lot of different results when turned on or off.In the attached file is an example of an icon surrounded by two rows ob blocks. The first row doesn’t occlude the icon, while the second does. It works only because the first row of blocks is removed from the depth buffer (material settings / depth write off).
I was under the impression, that this could be achieved with the correct render order for the objects – which is the point where I’m probably wrong?
You must be logged in to view attached files.Thomas FabiniCustomerHi Yuri,
copy and paste between projects is such a life-saver… thank you for this feature.I have a question though, regarding the “Render Order” setting: I’ve got the feeling this setting is ignored when using 4.7.1 with a pre 4.x blender-version (3.6.x LTS, in this case).
Might have something to do with the newly introduced transparency hacks in 4.2?It seems only values like zero and bigger than zero are taken into account. Transparency stacking with multiple different values (like i used with 4.6) doesn’t seem to work.
Thomas FabiniCustomerI actually thought of a rig instead of the physics body – but i had the impression that a rig in verge3d can only be animated, but not modified in real time – through user input or physics.
Thomas FabiniCustomerI rather meant parts of the mesh which are more stiff than others – not changing the stiffness over time… which i guess you meant?
Like the weight map on a rigged mesh which controls the amount of deformation on different parts of the mesh… but for the stiffness of the softbody allowing for more rigid parts and softer parts.