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CustomerNot shure if I am getting all you are saying, but if you are changing materials and models after the app has loaded you should be using the prepareExternalInterface function ( and not runCode i think. runCode is supossed to be run once when your app starts. stoping and starting your rendering should work as you say. so i would put some puzzles like event->stop render->change material and model(via ExternalInterface if you want to do it like that, and you should be able to run several if you need to)->re-start render. Have not tested this, but somthing like this should be doing what you need i think. If you don’t want to stop the render while switching i think you should be able to swap materials and stuff while an object is still hiden, so you can make al the changes to your “new” object before hiding the “old” one. Hope that makes sens and is helpfull, or I am sure the Verge team will have some more insight to fill in some gaps.
CustomerIn the first person camera you need to set a Collision Material. This is to detect where your ground is supposed to be, I susualy make a separate mesh for this purpos, so i can have smoother transitions in stair and such, insted of poping up each step. I think you can just turn of visibility for this layer to make it not show up as a regular mesh in verge. The gaze Height setting is how high above the ground your camera should be. Story Height is how tall your storys are, basicaly how far down it will check for ground(tweak around with this a bit, cant remember exactly where it measures from), this is so you can have multiple storyes, where you wont fall of if you go outisde the mesh on the second floor for instance.
So in short take a look at those settings and place your camera somwhere ehrer it will find the mesh with “collision material” on it and it should snap into plase as your scene strats.
BTW: collisions with this camera is not like physics collisions, it will only shoot a ray straight down to see if it sees a mesh with the collison material attached, so walls are basicaly going to be the edges of those meshes, looking top down.
Hope that helps.
CustomerThis is amazing. I am currently checking out another engine *caugh*babylon*caugh* for some bigger projects, and the think holding me back from doing bigger projects in Verge is that puzzles getting to complex to keep track of after a while. Templating is a greate improvement to make your own “framework” on top of Verge, so this is greate news, but I have a little suggestion in this regard. Is it possible to get a translate puzzles to script “option”, like if you could translate a chunk of puzzles to actual JS code in its own “script puzzle”? The abstraction you added on top of three js is kindof getting in the way of lerning from three code in some cases, and i think this would be a great tool even just for learning to script with Verge. Maybe even just a streight “write script in puzzles block” would be amazing.
Also love that you can nest the event puzzle now, beeing able to do that has some huge benefits. Keep up the great work
Customerohh, and also a rename or a clone/copy project would be nice, that way you can easily set up a copy for testing stuff or whatever, or you can easily set up template project as a base for new projects.
CustomerIf there is going to be a separate single project layout, a greate feature would be to be able to choose what html,gltf/glb and blend files to display on the main page. I often have extra test blends and while blender 2.8 is in beta I also keep more “backups” then usual so the folder gets files up and the app manages start to get cluttered.
Maybe an option to only list items from the root project folder would also work, so people can stash thing “out of view” in sub folders …
And they need to break to a new line like now after a certain number, If it ends up like Mikhails screenshot it is useless.
I am not a big fan of the applications folder, I would mutch rather ba able to have my projects wherever I want, but this could be a great improvement. Nice work so far
Also I would love to see an open local folder button to go directly to the folder, but that might be difficult i guess bacause of security restricitions of browsers.
Found a small bug tho, If you deselect it seems to be still selected, and you have to finish those three before you can try another three
CustomerHi jem
I did not test this on the fullscreen, but i have this setup witch should be usable for more things, right now i only use it for enabeling and disabeling the render when i hover over and out on an object, so I can enable and disable highlights on the object while in “diabled renderer mode”.
Not the prettiest of puzzles code, but here is the basic logic;
When I hover an object i enable the outline(where you might put fullscreen when clicked insted) and then i run a procedure to check if the renderer is currently enabled, if it is we do nothing(bacause the renderer is already runing so we want no change). If it is not enabled we set a variable (renderNext) to indicate we want to render just one frame, and then we set a variable to keep track of the renderers state (renderingEnabled) to true and then actualy enable the renderer.
Then in an “every frame” puzzle we run the other procedure to check if we should render the next frame than disable again. So we check if renderNext is true and then set it to false, and our renderEnabled variable to false, and disable the rendering.
This way the one frame rendering should only be triggered when the renderer is disabled, so we don’t incedentaly also disable it when we just trigger the “when hover” event, or click event in your case.
This is working quite well for me, but it is not very elegant, and I have only tested this in one project so test it if you like at your own perril :)
Hope this is sort of what you were looking for.
Customer“render next frame” puzzle
Great idea! We were thinking about this too.
I am trying to build this functionality in puzzles myself for now, and I noticed a thing that would help is if there was a “Is Renderer Enabled” kind of puzzle. I am now setting variables to keep a record of when i set and disabled the renderer, and this is pron to errors. Haven’t checked if this is possible in code yet, but having it in puzzles would be a great edition for testing the rendering logic, so I thought i would suggest it anyway.
Customerlooks good
haven’t tested yet, but am I reading it right that we no longer will have control of what anti-aliasing is used via puzzles? The auto feature seems like a good ide, but I was hoping to be able to adjust it via puzzles, so I can make a low, mid and high graphics settings that users can chose for instance.
CustomerThanks Alexander
CustomerHave you seen the “if missed” option in the when clicked puzzle, I think that might work for your case … ?
CustomerUnfortunatly I can not share the app where I discovered it ATM, but it is slightly noticable in some of the example apps to, but you might need an older iPad to notice it in the examples I guess, or try to make an overcomplicated scene. I think the example I most notice it in is the industrial robot one.
CustomerThanks for the quick reply Mikhail.
The problem is it takes quite a while on my test iPad( an old iPad mini 2) so the load time will probably wary quite a bit from device to device, and it already stays a while on 100% even before it is done and removes my preloader. I will add some more text like “finishing up a few thing…” when it goes to 100% to reduce the problem a bit and see if i can find some other workaround, but this really feels insoncistent compared to other “platforms” so i think this would be a good candidate for the TODO list.
CustomerMaybe this would fit better in suggestions, but I thought i would mention it here, as this introduced the disable/enable rendering puzzles;
Would it be possible to get like a “render next frame” puzzle. If say the renderer is disabled for when the scene is still and you go into fullscreen mode, resize the browser window or change some effects for instance, it would be nice to just do one frame update after to reflect changes that are not “actual” movement in the scene, like the aspect ration going slightly off when entering fullscreen mode. I know I could do this by simply enabling and then disabling again, but if the rendering was already enabled I would have to make extra logic to check for that everywhere I just want to updated the frame once, giving me a lot more puzzles. I could probably just save the state of the renderer to a variable right before I do all this, and then reset it aftewords, but I think I would need to do this in code right now…?
So if it is not to much work I would suggest a “one frame” update puzzle that would update once if the rendering is disabled, otherwise just continue being enabled.
Or if anyone got a simple solution to this that I just haven’t thought of, pleas let me know