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So I did some research which Apache settings could be solving this.
But as I don’t want this to happen randomly for customers, I’d like to validate the solution by first re-creating the problem.
So far I was not able to. Does anybody have an idea which scenario could be prone to causing this issue? I tried a relatively large model scene and small scene.justin_blenderCustomerI never knew this setting.
Actually i am using my own host, not the v3d network.
But could it be the setting “skip files modified more than 8 hours ago” then?justin_blenderCustomerHello!
I hope this old thread gets recognizedI had experienced numerous times that the scene did not refresh in the application after it was updated. For updated html / js files the solution is simply to clear the cache. This apparently also clears the cache for scene related files like .gltf & bin. But the problem remains that the scene (or at least parts of it, i cant tell for sure) does not refresh. Opening the app in incognito mode then reveals the updated scene. I am not able to reliably reproduce this problem which makes is extremely hard to trace.
This only happens on webservers, not local
justin_blenderCustomerIt generally works in all browsers now. It was most probably the mime configuration. Thank you so much!
justin_blenderCustomerOk I found out that its actually working in Edge. So maybe adding the MIME kicks in and the old config is still cached in chrome, or chrome is generally the problem. Ill post the result later once I found it.
justin_blenderCustomerThanks for your suggestions!
I added the MIME Type, but it did not help.
I am not sure if that is the problem, as the Network tab is showing the JSON content correctly (see screenshot of first post) – and the problem comes from the visual_logic.js.I can load txt files, but I cannot process them as a dict in Puzzles
- This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by justin_blender.
justin_blenderCustomerThank you for your clarification.
Wireframe puzzles creates lines for the triangulation, which is not desired.I guess I have to write some custom script.
Unless it is planned for some next release to keep the shape keys for Line Rendering? Then I will wait
justin_blenderCustomerYou are welcome. As for the dashed material I copied a code snippet from your “dashed lines” example and tried to apply a dashed line to an object.
const material2 = new v3d.LineDashedMaterial({ color: 0xff0040, linewidth: 1, scale: 1, dashSize: 3, gapSize: 1 }); let x_geo = app.scene.children[1].geometry; x_geo.toNonIndexed(); const line = new v3d.Line(x_geo, material2); line.computeLineDistances(); app.scene.add(line);
I was getting the console warning
‘v3d.js:1 v3d.Line.computeLineDistances(): Computation only possible with non-indexed BufferGeometry.’
But still after adding the line
it doesnt workProbably doing something essentially wrong here. But as long I am not getting errors I am confident to be close to the solution. Any suggestion?
justin_blenderCustomerOk figured it out. For anyone interested this is the coding solution to create a simple wireframe material and apply it to an object. It is really that simple. I was totally going too far
Now need to find out more about v3d material librariesfunction runCode(app) { const material1 = new v3d.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xe0e0ff, wireframe: true, }); app.scene.children[0].material = material1; }
justin_blenderCustomerWait..What? There is ONE simple tick box for this?
I saw this example before. But I did not find any puzzles nor code nor material setting. But now I found it. Thank you for guiding me there again.Would be still great to know how to get there through coding though. I see that three.js supports dashed lines for example. I will try more with my half-working example and get back here.
justin_blenderCustomerHow does it look in the Blender Viewport?
justin_blenderCustomerHello Yuri,
I was trying to implement this shader:
I just had a look at this one
too, it seems to be a bit more simple. I KIND OF managed to implement it, but not without having troubles (see image)
I dont know which of both is a “three.js” compatible one.
You must be logged in to view attached files.justin_blenderCustomerHello,
I have got another problem with Area Lights. Scaling setting doesn’t solve it.
All my test devices are displaying them correct, except Samsung Galaxy S8 and Samsung Galaxy S10 seem to have a problem with the color or even at all. Probably a GPU interpretation problem?
See attached
– a screenshot from a Samsung Galaxy A6+ (correct display)
– a screenshot from a Samsung Galaxy S10 (greyscale area lights)Attachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.justin_blenderCustomerOk I found a solution. You don’t need to make any effort to get into this. Thanks
justin_blenderCustomerOk I checked the WP plugin. It is apparently realized by using iFrame.
That is unfortunately not an option for me
Edit now I found the edit option. Sorry for making 3 posts
Ok iframe might be an option but it should be the last. There are a couple of downsides.
I want to understand if it is possible the way I want it -