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Customerthanks for sharing the video, in that case moving the function seems quite feasible and faster than replacing the function calls.
But the phrase you quoted refers to the second workaround, not the first.
Customerwell, not if I do that from the get go, but if I have to replace all calls in my current solution, it still means I have to make sure I replace them all.
Customerthanks, will do that in future projects. I looked into the notepad++ solution, but that seemed tedious and tricky.
Your solution still means I have to carefully look where the procedures are called.studiogijs
CustomerPackaging them in another procedure doesn’t solve much, you will still need to find the procedure on the page where it resides. And finding stuff in puzzles is one of the weakest parts of it, because it doesn’t scroll to the things you look for.
I’ll try the notepad++ solution, thanks
Customer@kdv77kdv no problem, it seems to work really well. I placed the material I want to change on top in the stack in blender, so that I can pick the first submat in the list easily, as it defaults to that. Then when I want to go back to one mat, I can simply add the material that has been assigned to the second in the stack, to the whole object the normal way.
Thanks for making this plugin!studiogijs
Customer@kdv77kdv, one more question, I will have many objects that need to be assigned either a single or multimaterial.
Is there a more efficient way to handle multiple objects? Since the submesh name will constantly change.studiogijs
perfect now, thanks!studiogijs
thanks, that makes sense.
I get an error when trying this. What am I missing?
This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by
This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by
You must be logged in to view attached files.studiogijs
Customer@kdv77kdv I initially don’t start with a multimaterial object, but apparently that’s a no go, and I need to export the object with a multimaterial in order to assign different or the same material to different subobjects later. I’ll go ahead and get your plugin to see if that works.
Customer@kdv77kdv ok, thanks, that looks promising. It’s not clear to me however how I can create a submesh in Blender without assigning more than 1 material to it.
Customer@kdv77kdv Because I don’t see how this is possible. If I assign a material to a single mesh, then subselect a part of the mesh and assign the same material, how then do I differentiate?
Or vice versa, if I have an object with material A and B, and I replace material A with C and B with C, how do I then go back to the object having material A and B?studiogijs
I wonder if the following scenario is possible with your plugin. I have objects that sometimes have a single material applied, and sometimes need a multimaterial assigned. So within the mesh I have two subsets that can either have material A+A, B+B, C+C, etc. or have A+B, A+C, etc.
Or do you have other tools/ideas to make this possible?Ideally I want to avoid having to modify the app making the objects have two meshes, or having to duplicate all materials, if that makes sense.
Customer@stellar, you can’t, those are generated automatically and are used by your graphics card to displace the mesh. But the more points you have in the mesh, the larger this texture becomes.
Customerthanks, that’s a clear sign that Apple is doing something very wrong in the latest iOS versions. In this thread:
someone states:According to our investigation the issue can be triggered by the usage of the flat qualifier.
No idea what that means though
This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by