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CustomerI third xeom & johnsmith post. Talking precious develop time away Verge + Blender. I can only imagine the pain of switching away from a 3d app you grew up on to a new one (eg blender) but I can only imagine it will still take less time than Soft8 has to invest to support.
CustomerAny progress on the unbind issue? It seems to me that adding many bind-to-elements & tracking them around the screen etc leads to a performance takes a hit.
How can we can deactivate (usually just temporality) the bindings and avoid the FPS hits when we don’t want html elements from a different scene following around our 3d objects.
Any tips/work arounds soft8?
CustomerThis post should help shed some light on what you are trying to do
CustomerTake my money…
After like 2 years of never really being able to get a handle on the whole “SCORM” thing, I spent 1 day in Verge3d 3.9 and SCORM is now my bitch.
OMG I love it. Puzzle based interactions with LMS system is a total game changer..
GFJ soft8 team!
CustomerHey Xeon, judging by the response ( or lack thereof), thinking you might be relatively isolated in your struggle for “integration”. Can I asked more (in general terms of course) about what you are trying to integrate?
The way I see it, a “verge app” is just a webpage (no offense to the Soft9soft team!).
(for the record – I a NOT referring to a newer Verge features that allows the code to be complied into an exe as Electron provides)
A webpage can be comprised of any combo of HTML, CSS, Javascript or WebGL.
Provided your “page” isn’t asking for, nor storing any personal user data, what is the hurdle?
Maybe you just are not just explaining it right to the client?
WebGL, as magical as it is, is a web standard – just like HTML. There are no additional programs to download (cough cough… like Macromedia FLASH) to execute.
So with any concerns about “security”, can’t you just refer them to the browser company? (ie, Google, Firefox, Apple)?
CustomerWhat’s a C4d?? Ha.. just teasing but seriously, they (C4d, 3dmax, maya, etc) will all go the way of the dinosaur. Blender is going to take over 3d, and Verge is going along for the ride.
Any kid with a computer can (outside of any “30 day trial” limited period) grow to become a proficient 3d artist with a zero dollar investment into Blender. Is some starving artist kid with no money then going to pay for a Verge software license so they can quickly learn how to publish their creations on the web and in the process, essentially become a full featured web app developer (with even just a basic conceptual grasp on coding)???
Probably not..(see the chicken-and-the-egg paradox) but they don’t have to! Verge is an unlimited free trial.
Spend enough of your nights creating and experimenting, and eventually you might come up with something of value that 1 sale would easily justify the license cost of getting rid of that Verge trial watermark.
Verge will eventually go virial in the Blender community – which last I checked, is probably growing at a faster clip than any other 3d software package. I don’t even have to do the math there.
Crunch gives Verge3d 18 and half stars out of 5.
CustomerI would first try getting things working locally (meaning dropping a copy of the mp4 mp4 inside your project folder.. as opposed to pulling from web server)
It has been a while since I played with video textures but from what I recall, there were some black screen issues depending on how I encoded the video.
Did you by chance use Vegas Video to render the video file?
I always use Magix encoder and remember it working fine at the default 1080p 29fps setting but when I would try a lower resolution, the file wouldn’t play. I believe after re-encoding the file with Adobe Media encoder and things started working.
Sorry I can’t be of more help.
Customerblessings be upon you Ivan! that technique was really helpful. Thank u!
CustomerI’ve been too busy lately to follow the board ☹
But every time I do peek in, I am always just blown away by how methodically you guys continue to make Verge better and better. GOOD JOB. NICE WORK. LOVE IT.
Learning Blender + Verge3d should be mandatory courses starting at the grade school level.. with credits going towards art, design, physics, computer programming and math.
I just love it. Keep up the good work guys!! THANK YOU!!
Customerif you move your cursor to the bottom of the screen (so it is not parallel with any of your html buttons) notice how navigation is restored. The div box containing your buttons is blocking your 3d scene. A quick fix would give your container div with id “buttons” a width of 80px.
CustomerGreat Scott! Love the updated diagram..
I am out-of-time with a current work project so I won’t be able to post any puzzle examples today, but here is a screen capture video of a demo app I did that has what you are looking to do.
To get there, you are going to want to start using the physics engine to control player movement. (physics becomes mandatory if you want to be able to grab and throw objects around in your scene)
So instead of using direct controller inputs to move around, you let the physics engine translate thumbsticks motions into vector impulses that get applied to your camera rig (aka a cube with an empty parented ontop which the camera mounts on)
This makes motion much smoother in your headset versus being tied direct to controller inputs. Plus, by making your character body a dynamic physical object and the environment (walls, ground etc) static, collisions are effortless. (meaning you can’t walk through walls like a ghost)
I followed this guide as a starting point. shots of my puzzles will likely just confuse you as they are a hot mess full of experiments, and I frankly already forgot most of what I did to get it working.
Yuri did posted a Cube VR demo project, which was very helpful reference.
Review this thread
I’ve been meaning to collaborate a bit with Yuri and ask him to create a template puzzle (that can ship with future verge releases) which gives you drag and drop access to a complete set of physics based oculus controls (assuming your scene has a character body & head objects setup) including setup for default oculus “hands” or slots to add custom controllers (like my golden lobster pincers in my demo video– which articulate on squeezeevents (uses a simple shape key) and if there is an object within distance X, it changes the picked object from dynamic to kinematic, then snaps and parents the object to controller hand. On squeeze release, object gets converted back to a dynamic object and unparented, so you can throw it. Easy cheezy.
I actually will attach a snapshot of some puzzles – please note I don’t think the ‘test rotate’ procedure is correct. I believe the first IF statement was my attempt to use physics to drive rotation that I never got working, but the ELSE IF, where I directly rotate the camera rig from controller input did work.
Again, as I mentioned before, that rotation (driving directly from controller input) is not ideal as it makes motion kinda of jenky when you rotate. Or maybe I am just doing it wrong?
Yuri, if you are reading, my idea to add physics driven rotation, since the main character body is locked with an angular factor vector of 0,0,0, was to attached a secondary body ontop of the main character body that was parented/constrained somehow to the main body where it could only rotate.
Think of the turret ontop of a tank. Something like that. What do you think?
Ocularvr sorry I can’t be of more help today. Its going to take me a day or so to refresh myself on what exactly I did to get all that working.
Some tips I do remember.
Make use of the Traverse controllers puzzle, which I think iterates across both controllers. If you code assuming say your right hand controller is always index 1, that might not be the case. I THINK (not sure) oculus might assign indexes in the order the controllers are connected.
So say when you turn on your headset and activate your left handed control first, it might get assigned the index of 1. (or 0? Whatever is first). So be sure when testing to try the clicks on the other controller if nothing seems to be happening.
I will try to get back to doing some more VR stuff this weekend. Good luck!
You must be logged in to view attached files.Crunch
CustomerHow are you checking in the console debug window in VR mode to see if your squeeze event fired?
Answer: you are not in VR.
I haven’t had the chance to figure out proper debugging in the oculus browser but I believe it involves using a USB cable (at least at first). Which is probably why I have been avoiding it (**if anyone has a guide on this subject it would be appreciated if you shared it!**)
If you need a simple debug, like printing “squeeze event happened!”, what I did (since I am too lazy to get out a usb cable) was add a text object to my scene, then use update-text-object puzzle to change the text object to whatever my console print message would be.
If you set it up on a fire on every-frame puzzle, be warned your frame rate will get crushed as converting text to new objects is a heavy load on the system.
I haven’t looked too closely at your example puzzles as my guess is you upgraded then forgot to switch your default directory in your SSL xampp server setup you’re testing from? I know I have done it before where change after change and refresh after refresh seemingly has no effect until you realize you are loading the right file name, but in a different location.
If that’s not your issue, continue to trouble shoot. The update-text method I mentioned above should help.
Unless you cannot even get into VR mode to check (meaning its hanging on launch)
1. listen to Yuri’s #3) Try running some VR-capable app which is known to work, say Industrial Robot.”
If the robot demo works AND you can confirm the html file you are refreshing in your Quest 2 to is being loaded from the same root directory on your test server as the working robot demo, then clear/delete your cache on the browser in your oculus. Be sure you are hard refreshing the html file after each change you make in your app.
2. If that doesn’t work, disable disable disable. Back out each puzzle (disable it), in the order you added them – refreshing each time until VR mode can load without hanging.
3. If you still cannot get into VR mode, disable ALL your puzzles and then, using the robot demo (or the user manual) as a reference, emulate every puzzle listed in the those working examples.
3. if that doesn’t work, and you have gone so far to emulate everything down to the exact same characters in the files from the ‘working’ demo from the developer and your version, I supposed we are all FOOKED!
J/K, but seriously, you are just probably doing something wrong.
Trouble shoot and get back to me, not Yuri or other soft8soft crew. We need those guys in the lab 100% focused on making us sweet new gadgets 😊
where “abc” is the name of your procedure in puzzles.
CustomerI am guessing you are trying to run in Verge development environment? The local server Verge runs does not have an SSL certificate installed and to do VR, you need SSL.
I run xampp when developing VR apps and have an SSL cert installed. Here is a link that might help
I believe you can upload your app to the Verge network (which has SSL) and see if that is your issue.