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  • in reply to: Rigging – with empty group not working? #75992

    If you goal is to have the bone cause the green cube to move…. be sure to keep “Deform” selected. When you turn this off…the bone no longer has any influence over the object or vertex group.

    You and kdv are right in this regard. Why the mesh initially seemed to distort when I rotated it was because I did not put a constraint on it.

    Removing parent:


    Renaming Vertex group:


    Reparenting mesh to bone Armature Deform – with empty group:


    Rotating without constraints:


    Obviously, I need to put a rotation constraint to prevent mesh rotating in unwanted angle. But why in this case, what do I set min and max for limit x, to prevent rotating mesh from going off angle?


    • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by c4cc.
    in reply to: Rigging – with empty group not working? #75989

    What tutorial did you watch to do the way you did?



    No need to add vertex groups manually. They will be created automatically after parenting a mesh to an armature (with the correct names).

    I see, I’ll try this out and let you know ASAP

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by c4cc.

    Thanks, this is actually a good answer. I’ll try this for sure B-)


    I see, I was gonna produce a web/browser game where the playable character can do multiple actions but I guess I gotta create separate blend files for each of its various actions then.

    This is one reason why I asked if hiding objects would improve overall user performance, esp for memory and fps

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by c4cc.

    Thanks. Also, if a blender file has more than one animation, how do I get animation puzzles to select a certain animation?

    in reply to: Blender 4.2 – grainy and blury meshes/animations? #75953

    While I worked around this 2 ways:

    – by extending out bones from the eye’s to the mouth’s, selected mesh and then shift+armature
    parented mesh to the armature by ctrl+p, and choosing “Armature Deform -with Empty
    Groups”, and then deleted the unneeded bones

    – after adding a bone, I selected it and went into edit mode to duplicate it, then went back to
    object mode to select mesh, then shift+armature, parented mesh to armature the armature by
    ctrl+p, and choosing “Armature Deform -with Empty Groups”

    any other way to add separate bones as one armature?

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by c4cc.
    in reply to: Hiding objects to improve verge3d performance? #75949

    This is good, and I’ll look into it soon. That said, how to use multiple independent bones in a mesh?

    in reply to: Hiding objects to improve verge3d performance? #75866

    When (and if) you understand how to bind vertex groups to bones you will be able to do it with any mesh.

    How do you do this? Any video tutorial recommendation?

    This one requires modifiers, sadly. I want a video tutorial on binding vertex groups to bones without modifiers, if possible

    in reply to: Hiding objects to improve verge3d performance? #75853

    In another case I suggest to optimize the mesh models to minimum possible size. I have done it several times in projects. the best so far is bringing the file size from 800 MBs to 25 Mbs Level3 optimization technique.

    Level 3 optimization? What’s that, and what do you do?

    in reply to: Hiding objects to improve verge3d performance? #75814

    most mecha rigging were based on separate mesh parts, not a mecha as a single mesh

    It doesn’t matter. When (and if) you understand how to bind vertex groups to bones you will be able to do it with any mesh.

    I’ll try this, but using “with empty groups” under “Armature deform” instead of “automatic weights” as per this screenshot


    Or maybe I’ll try this instead

    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by c4cc.
    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by c4cc.
    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by c4cc.
    in reply to: Feature Request – Animate vertices? #75813

    I see. Wouldn’t it be better to support absolute shape keys, or animation without armature/bones?


    lol, no, not in the screen/browser in verge3d, I just wanna confirm.


    I see. Informative.

    Btw, what about bones and armature? These are not rendered by blender or verge3d, right?


    The more vertices, the more video memory consumption. One mesh – one geometry buffer. One mesh, visible on the screen – one render/draw call (provided post-processing is not used). Meshes that are out of the camera’s field of view are not rendered.

    Thanks kdv, that was an informative answer.

    Any light source casting shadows will double the amount of render calls. Most of post-processing passes will also double the amount of render calls.

    What do you mean, post-processing passes?



    Hi c4cc,

    Verge3D/WebGL renders a mesh by processing its geometry information (coordinates, normals, texture coords, vertex colors etc) stored in long arrays. Those are called “geometry buffers”. Big meshes imply large geometry buffers and require more video memory.

    Also, do vertice count affect geometry buffers?

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