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2025-03-21 at 10:24 am in reply to: Copy/paste HTML, HTML DOM, CSS or javascript codes from website itself? #80835
ParticipantHow come this element has no font-family name in?
Thought normally font-family name is required
2025-03-19 at 1:01 pm in reply to: Copy/paste HTML, HTML DOM, CSS or javascript codes from website itself? #80740c4cc
ParticipantWhere there’s improvement, the font thickness is not the same as that of the source’s?
Sorry, I meant to say, “While there’s improvement… ” Sorry for the typo. I was in a rush and I didn’t see it
Thanks for your advice again, Pandern, I appreciate it.
This reply was modified 1 week, 2 days ago by
2025-03-19 at 9:35 am in reply to: Copy/paste HTML, HTML DOM, CSS or javascript codes from website itself? #80723c4cc
ParticipantI tried
Downloaded font in base folder:Text inside p tags
Where there’s improvement, the font thickness is not the same as that of the source’s?
desired font style and thickness:
2025-03-19 at 7:33 am in reply to: Copy/paste HTML, HTML DOM, CSS or javascript codes from website itself? #80718c4cc
ParticipantMy css
I tried, looks like this:
Besides color and font size, not really the same style as this:
2025-03-18 at 6:54 pm in reply to: Copy/paste HTML, HTML DOM, CSS or javascript codes from website itself? #80704c4cc
ParticipantThanks. I’ll look this up
2025-03-18 at 1:51 pm in reply to: Copy/paste HTML, HTML DOM, CSS or javascript codes from website itself? #80701c4cc
ParticipantThanks for the suggestion, it’s just that I wanna try copying css properties from other webpages without using puzzles.
While those puzzles are indeed helpful I may need to learn this without puzzles
This reply was modified 1 week, 3 days ago by
Participantwhat is the max vertices that can be supported?
This reply was modified 1 week, 4 days ago by
ParticipantThis works kdv, thanks. Need to run a couple more tests though to be safe.
This reply was modified 2 weeks ago by
Thank you again for becoming our customer. You can activate your copy of Verge3D by entering the license key in the App Manager:
Pardon the stupid question, but if I buy the licence on November, and activate it on the first of January the following year, licence for 1 year applies on that first of January right?
Participantspeaking of cloning materials, I hope animations may also be cloned and assigned to clones of that objects, meaning the cloned objects now have the cloned animations as well
ParticipantThis works, thanks. I’m just trying to make my puzzles accurate as yours.
Btw, what size is your shots? mine’s are 0.2 for x, y, z dimensions.
my puzzles:
Also, at .20 in your video, the shot whizzes over your red cube…
whereas in mine, if I’m extremely close to, but not touching the shot, it vanishes
This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by
ParticipantNeed the shots to disappear if they come into contact with the cube’s dimensions.
~0.258 is a dimension of your cube. That’s where you can use “get dimension” / 2 instead of 0.05
Tried but sadly shot’s don’t disappear even though they touch cube’s dimensions.
ParticipantImagine a Blender suzanne in the above example, as playable character. Its origin is at the face middle. Let’s say shots fire and hit it’s ear, but nothing happens, so I increase the “distance between” puzzle number.
if that suzanne moves up to avoid the shot, the damages still applies (even if lesser) because the distance between puzzle still computes damages based on distance between shot and suzanne.
so I need to get dimensions of suzanne to determine if shots do damage or not
This reply was modified 1 week, 2 days ago by