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  • backpackvacuum

    As a variant, install V3D 4.x.x. It will replace addons for ALL Blender’s versions. Go to 3.6 and rename verge3d to verge3d_4.x.x. In Blender 3.6.x enable this addon from verge3d_4.x.x folder. Install the latest V3D version (it will replace addons for ALL versions but won’t touch your verge3d_4.x.x), in Blender disable the latest addon (from verge3d folder). Thus you will have 4.x.x version working in Blender 3.6.x and the latest addon won’t be enabled if you install a newer version (because you disabled it manually). If not, just disable it again…

    This works!

    Thanks everybody for your help!


    go to […] __init__.py and make sure ROOT_DIR is set to C:\Programs\Verge3D_451. This variable tells Blender where it can find Verge3D files.

    Okay, I’ve tried this and it’s working to launch the correct version of the server.

    However, if I go into Blender Edit>Preferences>Add-ons>Render: Verge3D, it says the addon is the latest version.

    Is it *actually* the current version, or does Blender just think it is because it grabs that from the blender_manifest.toml, but __init__.py is redirecting *everything* to the other version’s location? Or is this a frankenstein installation that is the latest version of the add-on and the old version of the server?

    Thanks so much for the help


    How do you install each version of V3D?

    If I just run the installer, then all versions of Blender launch the same version of the server.

    I managed to create a custom shortcut to run server.py from a different version. Do you do something along those lines? Or do you uncheck “Install Blender Addon” in the installer and do the installation manually somehow?


    Thanks for responding!

    Any additional details that you can provide on exactly *how* you do this would be awesome. How do you make the Application Manager use a specific folder?

    I tried installing an old version of V3D into a separate folder from my current install, and then when I opened my current version of Blender and opened the App Manager, it was running the old version, so it seems like the installer goes and links to itself from (I’m guessing the AppData folder) to wherever you installed it.

    in reply to: Smooth by Angle Modifier + Shape keys #79195

    Yeah, that is unfortunate that it’s not directly possible with the new system.

    However, I’ve just done some testing, and it looks to me like there is a workaround that could be scripted and included in the V3D exporter.

    If you take your shape-keyed object and split each shape key to its own object, (duplicate the object for each shape key, set that key to 1.0 and the rest to 0, then delete all the keys, deleting the key set to 1.0 last), you can then apply the modifier, then join your objects as shape keys, and re-apply any animations that you had.

    This method doesn’t leave the modifier intact like the “bake modifiers” option in the V3D exporter currently does, but I’m not sure how you guys are doing that or whether the same approach could be applied here with my method described above?


    Really? Are you sure? Parent, child and grchild are all in the “export” group

    Yes. See how grchild is greyed out in the “export” collection? That means that it’s not in that collection. See screenshot, “export” is not listed in grchild’s collections, but it is listed in child’s collections.

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    Actually, it is. Three cubes are in the group “export”. Only the blue one (child.001) is not in that group.

    You’re correct that Verge3D has placed the red cube into the “export” group, but if you look in the Blender file, you’ll see the the red cube is not in that collection. I guess v3d might not support children being excluded from a collection that their parent is in?

    What was your method for exporting the file in that second screenshot? Was it exported from V3D or from Blender?


    Also note, the blue cube is not in the “export” collection, and it is also not a child of anything in the “export” collection, and it behaves as expected and is not exported.

    Also, my zipped project folder did not attach on the first post. I’ll try to attach it here.

    in reply to: Shape keys do not always play in correct order. #71712

    Update: I have done a bunch of testing, and I’ve found that if I create a duplicate of the ‘Basis’ shape key, put it at the top of the list, and set it to a value of 1, this fixes the issue.
    I think V3D doesn’t correctly interpret the ‘Basis’ shape, probably because it is kind of ‘special’ in that it doesn’t have a value, it’s just the basis off of which every other shape key is calculated.
    I may do some other testing and report back in the future, but for now, this is an easy workaround, especially since it doesn’t alter the way that the animations look in Blender.
    Or maybe I’ll find that this fix doesn’t always work. Time will tell.

    in reply to: Shape keys do not always play in correct order. #71512

    I’m not sure what you mean by “baking” a shape key animation? I create my shape keys and put keyframes on their values (see screenshot.)
    For this project, all of the animations are done in Blender and played back in sequence, so we don’t use things like morph puzzles.

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    in reply to: Curve shape keys not exporting to Verge3D #70655

    This should be mentioned in the docs (this page) https://www.soft8soft.com/docs/manual/en/blender/Morphing.html

    Perhaps a heading like so:

    # Compatibility
    Currently Verge3D only supports shape keys for meshes. Shape keys applied to curves are not compatible.

    in reply to: Rotation animation on local axis #70649

    Was able to find a solution using a follow-path constraint and twisting the path points.

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