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Avier3DCustomerah perfect, thanks.
In the past during another role I had to deal with a vendor that charged 10K for a license that could only be allocated to a workstation (facepalm!!!), and migrating them was a real pain. I got tired of it and fixed it to a virtual machine…
thanks for doing it the right way :)
Avier3DCustomeron iOS you can download an app called XRViewer, as far as I understand it just makes a call to internal Safari to run WebXR
Avier3DCustomerAh right! so does V3D recognize the instances (and GLTF does transport it)? I’m just wondering if using it does save data volume.
Avier3DCustomerCool stuff.
Maybe you would be interested in having a look at the chocofur free material database own the lifetime bundle myself and the quality of the models and materials is very high, and also they are what most of the product designers and architects are after.
Could be a good reference for more/new verge3d materials.
Avier3DCustomerI do not know the specifics of you configuration, I’ve had my differences as well, but as long as I keep my materials “V3D” compatible and the recommended lighting setups, I’m gold.
What I actually prefer to do is to bake all textures (combined) in cycles and then I load those in blender. In my case it’s fine because my scenes are static.
Avier3DCustomeroooooooooooooh yes :)
Avier3DCustomersounds like music to my ears :)
Avier3DCustomerThank you.
The idea is to bake textures from cycles and attempt to get a 1:1 result into Verge3D to present projects to clients. This particular client has engaged only from these renders, although it’s just 1/4 of the floor. Now another company in the same building wants us to present a project to deploy tech into 6 more floors O.o
But there’s going to be a LOT of back and forward with the client with the designs, and I’m thinking that if I get an efficient way to send the Verge3D-made models to the client, and from there they can navigate on desktop/mobile/AR/VR….I am thinking that it would be great if client could place annotations on parts of the model for feedback. In our case we deal with the engineers since the building is currently being built here in the city, the architects, the hardware provider, the software provider, and we have to get everything working seamlessly. My role here is to create a visual communication pipeline that not only speeds up this, but also accounts for the final look and functionality of the whole thing.
Here are some 360’s am thinking that these 360’s can also be made in Verge3D. A Sphere with an equirectangular 2:1 render applied does this, and the camera in the center with locked position and some axis constrains. There must be a way to leave some “360” icons on the 3D floorplan than when clicked, it loads the 360 for a photorealistic view of the model from that particular POV. That would be a sweeeeet way to present a project, it would allow me to leave the WebGL model relatively simple and allow the user to view realistic renders through these 360 panoramas.
Thanks :D
Avier3DCustomerthanks Yuri,
Right, but controllers are not shown either (not provided on top by HTC?).
Maybe floor surfaces would need to be tagged/labeled as contact surfaces too?Avier3DCustomerhello,
project launches fine in firefox, there’s headset tracking, but there’s no interactivity whatsoever with the controllers. Hardware is working fine with other apps….Avier3DCustomergreat stuff