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  • Raykjvdl

    Any possibility I can pay you to do that?


    Okay, I see. I was under the impression that I could manually code the div “wheel_drawer” into my index.html without using a puzzle. Then assign the color picker to that div.

    I am creating a custom interface in an index.html and bringing the model in through and iframe. Just like the attached video tutorial.

    I am able to get what you shown above to work. But I would like to nest the color picker into a div that is already coded into the .html page and not have the div generated by a puzzle.


    I’m not wanting to attach the color picker to a node. I want to put it into a div that is manually coded. In the demo example the color picker is attached to an element in the 3d model, I can accomplish that, but I’m not interested in doing that. I am wanting to create an HTML interface and place the color picker into a div that that interacts with css and html.

    For example the Scooter demo has a drawer on the right for changing the color of the scooter paint. Based on the same premise I would like to have the color picker inside the drawer, instead of having to have a button for each color.

    The puzzle in the previous screen shot is my attempt to get the picker to show up in the html div id “wheel_color”. In the screen shot of the code, it is empty because I cant figure out how to get it to populate in that spot.


    I hope this helps clarify what I am trying to achieve.

    Thanks in advance!


    Thanks for continuing to help. Still am not able to get it to appear. When I use the base puzzle that comes with the plugin I’m able to get it to work in my app. When I try to attach it to an element, I’m not able to get it to work. I set it up as you described above and nothing populates the div “wheel_drawer”

    See attached images for puzzle and html.

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    I’m wanting it to appear in a div of my choosing. i guess maybe im not understanding.

    In this instance attached. I would think it would be inside of a div with the id “wheel_drawer” is this wrong?

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    I see the problem I was having. I was not loading the script

    I also didn’t realize the puzzle created the html div automatically. I thought I had to create the div and assign it within the puzzle. Is there a way to do that using the “element” option? I would like to put the the picker into a html/css drawer that appears when its clicked or hovered. Right now the the div that is created has an inline style of “absolute” I would like to have it bare bones so I can style it and place it where I want within the html.

      <div id="v3d-container">
        <div id="fullscreen_button" class="fullscreen-button fullscreen-open" title="Toggle fullscreen mode"></div>
        <div id="default_test" class="default-test">Color Picker here</div>

    The current setup I have isn’t working as I had hoped. See attachment.

    Thanks in advance.

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Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)