to pause and unpause such a Web App, can I use Web API’s, such as this? Can these mouse and keyboard controls Web API be implemented too?
Is it recommended to apply the necessary HTMLMediaElements, and by extensions, Web API’s, or do more user friendly frameworks alternatives exist?
I know Verge3D puzzles has an Event puzzle for mouseEvent, but not for keyboard Events. How do I apply javascript or Web API’s to a verge3d Blender or Maya content embedded in HTML, so keyboard events can register as game controls? (e.g., HTML DOM is used to change HTML elements, but if I were to use HTMLDOMDocument, how do I apply Javascript Keyboard Events to HTML DOM Document, and to enable or disable the keyboard controls if my web app is paused?
Sorry for the stupid question, but I’d like to learn how to integrate certain Web API’s into my javascript code for my Web Game.