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VR Controller Vibration

Home Forums General Questions VR Controller Vibration

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  • #80625

    here is a javascript code how to vibrate your controllers, at least with a Meta Quest 3.

    // for left contrroller
    const xrSession = app.renderer.xr.getSession();
    if (xrSession) {
    for (const inputSource of xrSession.inputSources) {
    if (inputSource.handedness === “left”) { // only left controller
    const gamepad = inputSource.gamepad;
    if (gamepad && gamepad.hapticActuators && gamepad.hapticActuators.length > 0) {
    gamepad.hapticActuators[0].pulse(1.0, 100); // intensity 1.0 time 100ms

    // for right controller
    const xrSession = app.renderer.xr.getSession();
    if (xrSession) {
    for (const inputSource of xrSession.inputSources) {
    if (inputSource.handedness === “right”) { // only right controller
    const gamepad = inputSource.gamepad;
    if (gamepad && gamepad.hapticActuators && gamepad.hapticActuators.length > 0) {
    gamepad.hapticActuators[0].pulse(1.0, 100); // intensity 1.0 time 100ms

    Now my question:
    With the onhover puzzle, it will always detect the right or left controller.
    How can I find out which controller hovers an object and then trigger the vibrate function

    Thanks Tom



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