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Home Forums Official Announcements Verge3D 3.7 pre6 available!

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  • #40964
    Lijun Ma

    Thanks for your big improvement on the new release, it simplifies a lot of work and provides unlimited possibilities!

    Here is some feedback on version 3.7 pre6 from the Chinese community:

    1. Physics: fast-moving rigid bodies pass through another one. see attachment 01_physics.mp4. refer to this article, it needs to enable CCD for ammo.js.

    2. Electron: create native app function seems to be unstable, has a high probability of failure (500 Internal Server Error).

    3. IE 11 compatibility: IE 11 module does not work, most official demos unable to load on IE 11. The app manager also reports some errors in the console.

    4. iOS App maybe needs more puzzles to work perfectly:
    (1) Quick click the button while gaming,will lead to the text-selection context and cannot close on some devices(iPhone X and iPad pro); (2) long-press the button on devices that has 3D-touch functions(for example, iPhone 7 & 8), will lead to sharing image context; (3) the game button disappears in landscape mode on iPad Pro. (4) some text rendering issues of scores and time.

    For reference only, thanks in advance!

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    Lijun Ma

    text-selection context issue & text rendering issues on iPad Pro


    Hi Lijun,
    Thanks for the suggestions and bug reports. We’re going to fix and support as much possible of these before the stable Verge3D release.

    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
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    Only the Dreamcast is comparable to this level of “let’s create the system that people will maybe expect 5 years from now”


    This is awesome! :good:


    V3D team,

    Congratulations on such a cool feature integration !

    Just a little thing came to mind, if you can build custom pre-loader in V3D itself would be awesome!



    How can we create a clipping plane on runtime? Couldnt find a puzzle or a reference in the verge3d api.


    You can create clipping planes with the following API, however it’s much easier to just move the plane far away to disable it. Alternatively, you can load clipping plane on demand by using the “append scene” puzzle.

    clipping planes on demand

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    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
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    This new version looks amazing.

    Is there someething new related to AR?

    Last time I asked about this WebAR was not compatible with iOS, has this changed?

    Also, if we use AR making an app package, will it work in mobile?

    +1 to the option of being able to create a whole pre-loader inside V3D :)


    Only the Dreamcast is comparable to this level of “let’s create the system that people will maybe expect 5 years from now”

    dat Gameboy tho… B-)



    Can someone send me an example of which puzzles I need to tackle for an AR environment for IOS? Can you also control Android and IOS in the same file? Thanks in advance!

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