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Verge3D 3.7-pre2 light probe testing

Home Forums Bug Reports and Feature Requests Verge3D 3.7-pre2 light probe testing

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  • #39468

    Again very welcome visual advances in Verge3D 3.6 and upcoming 3.7.
    Area light integration in 3.6 and the upcoming light probe integration in 3.7. :yahoo:

    I made a basic Light Probe test setup in Blender 2.92 (leaving the standard light probe settings untouched).
    Reflection-Cubemap integration gives nice results (see the screenshots).
    For now, I combined the Blender Reflection-Cubemap effect and the Verge3D puzzle screenspace reflection.
    I hope the Reflection-Plane light probe will be integrated into Verge3D 3.7 as well. That will give much more accurate results on a plane, than screen space reflection. The inaccuracies of screen space reflections are less obvious when a normal map with some “noise” is applied to the surface.
    The screenshots show the new integration of the Reflection-Cubemap with, and without a plane with Verge3D screen space reflection.

    Will it also be possible to get shadows for the Area lights working in 3.7?
    That would be great!

    Thanks for the constant stream of improvements!
    :bye: Simone

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    Hi Simone,

    Thank you for the suggestions! Indeed supporting planar reflection will help a lot. We’ll add them in our TODO list and make this task a priority.

    As for the shadows, we added basic Area shadows support in 3.7 pre1 release. They work similar to point, hovever take into account both area light position and direction.

    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
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