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Verge3D 3.4 pre1 available!

Home Forums Official Announcements Verge3D 3.4 pre1 available!

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  • #31801

    We are beginning a new release cycle! Here is the first portion of features that will be included in Verge3D 3.4:

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Multi-line and Script Puzzles

    A puzzle for typing multi-line text is now available in the Text category. It can be used with all puzzles that accept text as input.

    We also implemented a puzzle for executing JavaScript, available from the Advanced category. Coupled with the above-mentioned multi-line puzzle, it allows you to use line numbering and syntax highlighting when editing your code.


    You can now create custom real-time shaders using the Open Shading Language (OSL). This experimental (for now) feature can be enabled in Blender in the Scene tab by switching to Cycles first and then turning on the corresponding checkbox:

    As a result, you’ll be able to use the Script node in your material.

    The shaders themselves can be written using OSL code, or borrowed from some shader library. For example, here is how the code for the 3ds Max’ checker shader looks like:

    shader Checker
    [[ string help = "A simple Checkboard OSL sample shader",
       string category = "Textures"
      point UVW   = vector(u,v,0) 
      	[[ string help="The position to shade. Default to the standard UV space." ]],
      float Scale = 0.25, 
      color Color1 = color(1,1.0,0.2),   
      color Color2 = color(0.2,0.2,1.0),  
      output color Col = 0
    	point p = UVW / Scale;
    	int x = (int)mod(p[0],2.0);
    	int y = (int)mod(p[1],2.0);
    	int z = (int)mod(p[2],2.0);
    	if( ((x%2) ^ (y%2)) == (z%2) ){
    		Col = Color1;
    	} else {
    		Col = Color2;

    3ds Max-Specific

    We continued our work on supporting OSL shaders. For this update, we supported the OSL node called HDRi Environment (3ds Max 2021 only). This node allows to create environment lighting with custom background and ground surface. Uber Bitmap is another OSL node supported for this update.

    Also, a new OSL-to-GLSL converter is now used in the exporter. It now works more robustly and generates more compact code.

    Arnold’s node Map to Material is now supported. This node allows you to create custom shaders by using Maps.

    The option in the Export Settings called Export within playback range now correctly works.

    We fixed a rare exporter crash when a mesh without vertices, which at the same time has a UVW Map modifier applied, is present in the scene.

    Other Improvements

    The set style and set attribute puzzles now work in IE 11.

    The replace texture and get texture param puzzles now correctly work with video textures.

    The JavaScript method Material.toJSON() no longer crashes with node-based materials.

    We added a new chapter to the User Manual where we outlined some hardware limitations you may encounter when creating your scenes. At the moment, it provides clarifications with regard to the “Too many attributes” error.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    As usual, you can grab the preview bundle from the downloads page!

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Awesome! Thanks.


    Thank you very much, for this release. Will test it asap.

    I was wondering because of the videoPuzzle stuff:
    The replace texture and get texture param puzzles now correctly work with video textures.

    I updated the app and resaved the puzzle logic. But I cant see any changes in the corresponding puzzles. Is this fix implemented in the v3d.js? Because Ivan said that this is a puzzle based issue.

    Think I found it. It seems to be in the “matGetEditableTextures” function


    Think I found it. It seems to be in the “matGetEditableTextures” function

    glad it’s working for you!

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    I was FLOORED when I saw the new JS script text puzzle. :yahoo:


    Thanks guys, for making things easier for the development flow!

    EDIT: do variables still have to be “passed” to the javascript text funciton as they would in Call JS app.ExternalInterface, or can they be referenced just as you would in puzzles?


    EDIT: do variables still have to be “passed” to the javascript text funciton as they would in Call JS app.ExternalInterface


    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    EDIT: do variables still have to be “passed” to the javascript text funciton as they would in Call JS app.ExternalInterface


    how does one do that?

    if I’m sending a call JS, i simply include it in the “with”.

    when i concatenate two new script text blocks with a variable between, it gives the entire value (which looks like a useful technique elsewhere).

    how can one not use call js, use the new txt script puzzles, and still include the variables.

    do you have to bounce them to a call js that just takes it then returns it?



    how can one not use call js, use the new txt script puzzles, and still include the variables.

    you can save your variable in some global namespace, for example, or even to window namespace.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    how can one not use call js, use the new txt script puzzles, and still include the variables.

    you can save your variable in some global namespace, for example, or even to window namespace.

    hi yuri,
    so do you mean do that through a call js?
    pass a puzzleVar in a call js “with” …to an externalInterface function
    then give a window.globalVar… that passed puzzleVar as value…
    then it’s accessable in the new script text puzzle code?


    yep that’s exactly what you mean.
    got it…


        app.ExternalInterface.makePuzzleVarGlobal = function(puzzleVar){
            window.puzzleVarGlobal = puzzleVar;
            console.log('window.puzzleVarGlobal from ExternalInterface: ',window.puzzleVarGlobal);

    console output:
    “window.puzzleVarGlobal from ExternalInterface: foo
    window.puzzleVarGlobal from Script puzzle: foo”

    … maaaaayybee make a special Variable puzzle that makes global variables so people don’t have to do this with every variable they want to use in the script? (could do it in bulk i guess)

    the script text puzzle is great. :heart:


    we’ll think about it!

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    we’ll think about it!

    a settings gear “with” for the exec puzzle like call js would be rad too.


    Hi GlifTek, I couldn’t follow your example to make a puzzle variable global.

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