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Verge3D 2.15 pre3 available!

Home Forums Official Announcements Verge3D 2.15 pre3 available!

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  • #19377

    And here is a third portion of improvements to be included in Verge3D 2.15:

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Features and Improvements

    The default fullscreen button can now be styled with the CSS classes fullscreen-button, fullscreen-open and fullscreen-close. See more info on this documentation page.

    The puzzles assign material and get material now work with multi-material objects – the first material is always replaced or returned.

    When updating for new Verge3D versions, the license key will be applied automatically if not expired.

    Preloader progress is now much smoother thanks to shader compilation and asset processing stages made asynchronous. Particularly, the freezing at 100% is all but eliminated.

    A series of optimizations was introduced to make the .gltf and .bin files more compact.

    Blender-only Features

    The default cube scene has been updated for Blender 2.80 with EEVEE enabled by default.

    Optimize Mesh Attributes option is now available to remove unused information such as tangents, which makes the exported scene more compact in most cases. This option is enabled by default.

    Be sure to disable this option if you are assigning a normal-mapped material to a mesh which originally has no normal-mapped material on it.

    Max-only Features

    All apps were renamed to not include “Max” in the end.

    Bug fixes

    We fixed some bugs with morphing discovered by our users.

    We fixed the bug with lighting not applied from light sources when screenspace reflection/refraction is enabled.

    We fixed the issue with set/get rotation puzzles which sometimes produced incorrect angles.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    @zjbcool we are working on the append child puzzle right now. Hopefully will include it in the final 2.15

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Smaller and faster scenes! Always good. :good: Thanks Soft8soft team!

    Jeremy Wernick


    :good: :good: :good:


    Wow! Multi-material support! :yahoo: This is a huge thing. As well as all the optimisations. Great, great, great! :heart:


    Excellent, I love reading about the updates you guys are doing. :good:

    3D Animation and Web3D services - www.d3pixel.co.uk


    thanks everybody for looking into this update! :)

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter

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