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Verge3D 2.11 pre2 build available!

Home Forums Official Announcements Verge3D 2.11 pre2 build available!

  • This topic has 15 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by elk.
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  • #11791

    Thanks to your invaluable feedback and support we managed to add more features and fix some issues!


    Dynamic objects can now be meshes (alongside boxes and spheres).

    The puzzle detect collision now works with multiple objects/groups.

    Kinematic objects are now possible to parent.

    New puzzles snap body and get object direction are available which you can use for positioning Dynamic objects and applying force.

    BTW check out this fun video about physics coming to Verge3D!

    Other improvements

    New puzzle autorotate camera was implemented.

    The puzzle get camera direction received the inverted option. This option can be used for making objects follow the mouse cursor.

    Fixed shadows not cast in the simple configurator demo.

    Improved rendering quality thanks to reduced aliasing when the surface normal is sharply changed.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Good job :good:
    thanks for the tutorial!


    :good: :good: :good: :yahoo:


    lets get physical…… :yahoo:



    Mentioned this in the pre1 thread, but did not get a respons so thought i might mention it again…

    Just a quick thing i noticed. There is no option to include physics if you update an app from within the app manager.

    Also, where do i set the custome reticule for VR, and should controllers be picked up automaticaly in VR, my Oculus Go does not seem to pick it up, do I need to set up somthing else, or is controller on that HMD not supported yet .. ?



    Sorry for the late response. We fixed that in pre2. The option is called ammo.js.

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    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    No worries Yuri.

    Hmm, strange. It does not show in my App Manager(see image), or has there been a change to the pre2 so I need to download a new one ?

    Had a quick look for the custome reticule also in pre2, I guess i must be looking in the wrong place …


    This dialog only lists modules that are used in the app. If an app was initially created without physics, the physics module wouldn’t be listed.

    I’ll answer about customizing the reticle a bit later.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    I see. I thought it should be possible to add it while upgrading, not a big deal tho as a could always update it the old way. Thanks for quick reply.


    I thought it should be possible to add it while upgrading

    Yep, it should work this way too. The ammo.js module can be copied from the verge3d/build folder.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Check out this minimalist demo on replacing the default VR reticle.

    There are special objects XR_CONTROLLER and XR_CONTROLLER_RETICLE that are accessible through Puzzles. Any object modeled/textured in Blender (or Max) can be used as a reticle.

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    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    should controllers be picked up automaticaly in VR, my Oculus Go does not seem to pick it up, do I need to set up somthing else, or is controller on that HMD not supported yet .. ?

    is the ray displayed with Oculus Go? or it is just the reticle?

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Tried your setup to change reticle, and it seems to be working mostly ok, have just had time for a quick test tho, so i guess that part is mostly some tweaking to get it the way i want, need to add some z-depth to render it on top of everything else and so on, so thanks for the info on that.

    Tried to run my project in the firefox and the built in oculus browser and found that in the firefox realuty browser the reticle started to follow my controller when i enter VR mode a second time, meaning when i first enable it it follows the HMD, then i exit and enter it again, then it follows the controller, so that is a good start. However when i re-enter VR both of the reticles show, both following the controller, but one rotating with the HMD and one rotating with the controller (Tried the same thing on the oculus browser but the does not exit VR mode werry well so i am missing UI elements after exeting, but i guess that is more of an issue with the browser itself, or it needs more tweaking). I guess this is just some more setup requred, is there any other variables i could look into here?

    And to answer your questions directly, i only see the reticle and no ray or controller displayed, should there be by default ?

    And then the big thing remaining for it to work a bit more seamless is if i could somehow re-initialise the VR mode on first entering VR, so I can get the controller working consistently. Is there anyway i can do that?


    Sorry for replying so late. We haven’t had the chance to test VR on Oculus Go yet. Anyway I created a task in our tracker and we’ll try to reproduce the behavior described by you.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Hi Yuri, is there any plan or forecast of when you’ll add AR features in some release?

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