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Time not running

Home Forums Programming Time not running

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  • #10448

    function Nexus_vers_tableau() {
    playSound(loadSound(“./long-wispy-woosh.mp3”), false);

    operateAnimation(“PLAY”, “telephone Nexus”, 60, 109, ‘AUTO’, 1,
    function() {
    tweenCamera(“Cube bleu”, “visage_cell-final”, 2);
    registerTimeout(2, function() {
    changeVis(“le flash du telephone”, true);
    playSound(loadSound(“./microwave.mp3”), false);
    registerTimeout(0.5, function() {
    changeVis(“le flash du telephone”, false);
    registerTimeout(1, function() {
    replaceTexture(“kerquest apps”, “Kerquest-main-3.png.002”, ‘./retour-cloud-2.png’);
    tweenCamera(“Cube vert”, “ecran”, 3);
    }, undefined);


    registerTimeout(2, function() {*
    don’t work I wait 5 second



    You can try adding a debug function alert() or console.log() after the line tweenCamera(“Cube bleu”, “visage_cell-final”, 2);
    and see if it works.

    Was this code copied from the file generated by Puzzles? This might be not necessary as the engine offers a mechanism for coupling the Puzzles and the code – see more info here: https://www.soft8soft.com/docs/manual/en/introduction/Using-JavaScript.html

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Was this code copied from the file generated by Puzzles?

    Sure I wanna to see your structure, because now I write my personal code for made a view camera inside the scene. Remember this post.

    Similated a camera view from a mobile phone

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