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Team collaboration

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  • #77232
    David Duperron

    My question is quite simple: how can I organize a team collaboration on a single web application project that uses Verge3D puzzles?
    I’ve been developping an app for more than a year now, on my own, and I will probably need to work with other people in the next months on the same project.
    How can I do for example to work on the same visual_logic.xml files (on different issues/topics) while making sure that each collaborator works is reflected to the other ones, and does not interfere??
    This is for sure a very usual and common case in web development, but I never came accross it before, and would be curious to know if I can get some useful feedback here! :)



    Hi David,

    being a 3D Artist that works with Verge for quite a while i dont have a solution at hand right now.

    But it would interest me what your project is all about and what kind of help you might need
    in the next months.

    See my site


    especcialy the VR section

    If you are interested just contact me




    Hi there,
    We have done a few team based V3D projects and have tried a number of approaches but it always seems to come down to the skill sets of the individual teams members and the project requirements.

    We normally break our teams into Blender Artists, V3D dev, HTML/CSS dev, JS dev, lead creative and a producer. This seems to work out for most projects but when you have a heavy V3D project and tight timelines…then we need multiple V3D devs and multiple Blender artists…it can get complicated fast.

    What we do is our 3D assets are created as linked assets to larger Blender project file. This master file, is then published at regular intervals so V3D devs can continue their work.

    We have a V3d/JS developer who is responsible to merge V3D tabs, and JS into a master V3D project. This master V3D project is updated on a schedule…and the Creative Director and Producer review the project and provide feedback to the teams.

    This requires lots of communication and is really a pain in the ass.

    We try to segment parts of projects out so that one person is working on one object/sequence while another person is working on something unrelated. But sometimes the two shall cross.

    For situations where there budget is lean and the time is still tight…we run three overlapping shifts where each team member has both Blender/V3D experience. At shift overlap time, the prior dev explains where the project is what is being worked on and the new shift person can take over from that point. NOTE: This only works if people on the team work well together and can communicate effectively otherwise this is not a great solution.

    These solutions also rely on having a good backup repository that can be accessed across multiple platforms, devices and the globe.

    Not an easy solution but look forward to hearing how others are doing it.

    Route 66 Digital
    Interactive Solutions - https://www.r66d.com
    Tutorials - https://www.xeons3dlab.com

    David Duperron

    Hi Xeon!
    Very interesting feedback, thanks! It basically decribes what I was expecting… I think the “tab” approach, based on a common GLTF asset is probably the best solution so far.
    I will definitely have to get prepared and think in depth about all the aspects you mention when it will come to that point.
    Also curious to have any other feedback!


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