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Switching Scenes

Home Forums Puzzles Switching Scenes

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by xeon.
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  • #80412

    Hello everybody,
    I’m tring to do an app that’s allow you to switch between two scenarios by clicking on a button.
    I was tryng to change .gltf file by cliccing une the puzzle “load scene” i really can’t figure out how this puzzle work; i tried to view the demo, but it’s too advanced I don’t understand.

    How can i switch between two scenes clicking on a button?


    The load/unload demo project utilizes dictionaires, html puzzles and the “scene” tab puzzles. I would suggest trying to recreate the project without the dictionaries and html puzzles first and concentrate on the understanding of the Scene puzzles. You can used a stand in 3D objects as a button to eliminate the HTML issues and then try loading in one GLTF.

    The tricky part is that the main scene..will contain all your puzzles for the GLTFs you are ultimately going to load. I typically start my main scene project with the object I need to load inside it until I have Created all the puzzles…validate all the puzzles work then as the last step remove the object i want to load in. This will cause some of your objects puzzles to appear “red”, indicating the object is not in the scene. Dont worry about that since once you load the object…the puzzles will work.

    Route 66 Digital
    Interactive Solutions - https://www.r66d.com
    Tutorials - https://www.xeons3dlab.com

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