Hello all ,
I am a blender enthusiast and programmer i work a lot in python and .net languages .I created a lot of addons for blender :D for clients.
So i was working on a project using Verge3D 2.9.1 with blender 2.8, when i export the project to gltf and try to use the morphing using js i noticed that some of the models that had shapekeys in blender didn’t get exported correctly it was there no attributes for morphing in js ,I start digging the problem in blender and i didn’t find any solution so i thought go through the exporting script a bit and do some debugging I found that the models that didn’t exported correctly needed triangulation and the script adds the Triangulation modifier….. , so i think basically the shapekeys get removed when you add the triangulation modifier and apply it , Correct me if i am wrong , So i believe the way around this to not use the Triangulation modifier instead use the triangulation operator “bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method=’SHORTEST_DIAGONAL’, ngon_method=’CLIP’)” and that worked like a charm for me :) because it kept the shapekeys data correctly.
Please if i am saying something wrong correct me .