I try to set up a MeshStandardMaterial in v3d scene and I faced with a probem.
This material has a envMap property and it can controlled by “.roughness” value or “roughnessMap” texture, but in v3d.scene the roughness/roughnessMap only influence on specular propertie of material, envMap always with roughness = “0” and I can’t controll it;
In attached examples with 0 and 0.8 roughness value, you can see that only specular property is changed, envMap has the same roughness.
This text from documentation:
(The environment map. Default is null. Note that in order for the material roughness property to correctly blur out the environment map, the shader must have access to mipmaps of the env texture. TextureCubes created with default settings are correctly configured; if adjusting texture parameters manually, ensure minFilter is set to one of the MipMap options, and that mip maps have not been otherwise forcibly disabled.)
May be a case in the minFilter…