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Rotate and Zoom buttons

Home Forums Puzzles Rotate and Zoom buttons

  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by xeon.
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    Im very new to Verge3D and puzzels and im using 3ds max. I wanted to make a menu with buttons for those who rather use that instead of mouse. 2 buttons for rotating horizontal, 2 buttons to rotate vertically, and 2 buttons for zooming in and out but i cant seem to make it work.

    For example, i do find the “When pressed, camera zoom in for 5 sec” in puzzels, but there is no, zoom out option.

    I also find rotate function, but i cant seem to change the direction, and its only horizontall.

    I did look at one option, which is animation instead but then i dont know how to do it when its the same object, moving. I cant make multiple animation on the same object in 3Ds Max.

    Please help me with this…

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    well…. here is an option….

    Basically a simple cube at position 0,0,0 and then I have created four buttons.
    The left and right buttons rotate the cube on the z axis…you can change this or add other buttons or values to change the rotation axis. The top and bottom buttons move the camera in the x-axis. Your axis may vary depending on where you keep your camera. There is one problem with this approach…and thats if you allow the user to control the camera with a mouse then the zoom function in this example will not work well, but since you are trying to do this via buttons only…this will work.

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    Route 66 Digital
    Interactive Solutions - https://www.r66d.com
    Tutorials - https://www.xeons3dlab.com


    Thank you som much Xeon, im working on it!

    How do i get this 2 “puzzels” on top of eachother? like in the image?

    Also, do you know if its possible to have it more smoth rotation? So it spins when you press rotate instead of jumping x amount of steps?

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    I normally don’t group them the way I have shown….but the “When Clicked” puzzles are stackable…they have the little divit on the top of their puzzle.

    In this particular example….I used a +/- 5 increment. This means that the rotation or position is changed from what is was by 5. You can decrease this value to an number you like…smaller numbers…smoother but requires much more input to move. Often a slider is a better choice but you are not going to have mouse control…so you are stuck with When clicked events.

    What you may want to consider is that these buttons do not cause an increment but start and stop a rotation in that direction. This way when you click say the rotate left button..it just starts rotating at given speed of say 1 and then if you click it again .. it goes faster. Using the right button it may slow it down until it stops…and then once it passes the stop point it starts rotating the other way.

    To do this you will need a different set of logic. Just curious …why do you believe the user would rather not navigate via the mouse or what the business requirements are that you have to create it this way.

    Route 66 Digital
    Interactive Solutions - https://www.r66d.com
    Tutorials - https://www.xeons3dlab.com


    You´ll have to excuse me but i cant seem to find where to add this “+/- 5″…
    Where or how do you add this?

    Perhaps it would be better to have it start rotating when pushing the button, is it complicated or is it perhaps something you would consider helping me with aswell?

    I have a company customer that wants this option for their products, and im just trying to find a solution for them… They are the ones that think that this option should be included…


    Ok…so here is a new way.
    It requires you create an rotation animation of your object in the z axis. Be sure its ease in and out is linear or it will look likes its pausing between rotations. If you make the animation start on frame 0 and end on frame 60 then you can use these puzzles.

    The button on the right will cause the animation to play back at the set speed (in this case 2). Then each time the user press the right button it will increase the playback speed by +2. If the user press the left button it will subtract from the current speed -2. The plus and minus +/-2 are in the logic puzzles… you only see a 2 number but to the left of each of the 2 numbers is a math symbol of + and the other has a – symbol.

    To implemented this disable your other When Clicked R_Right and When Clicked R_left puzzles. and add these.

    I have some time now if you want to discuss you can reach me directly at xeons3dlab [at] gmail [dot] com. We can do a Teams, or Google chat

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    Route 66 Digital
    Interactive Solutions - https://www.r66d.com
    Tutorials - https://www.xeons3dlab.com


    I messaged you on google chat, reply when you got time!


    email me first and I will send an invite. I heading out today..back tomorrow after 10:00 am PST. In the email…let me know timezone you are in and times during the day that would work for you.

    You might catch me in the evenings on Discord: Xeons3Dlabs. If you use discord send me a DM and we can go from there if you prefer.

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by xeon.

    Route 66 Digital
    Interactive Solutions - https://www.r66d.com
    Tutorials - https://www.xeons3dlab.com

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