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Home Forums Bug Reports and Feature Requests Reporting an issue with Verge3D

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  • #23056


    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Hi guys,

    I just updated to the recent stable blender release and verge 3D will not install the verge3d plugin properly. When I manually install, it appears but when I enable it, it fails and I get an error. See screenshot. Any fixes ? :scratch:


    is it possible that you moved your Verge3D installation directory? If you did not, please share the contents of the

    file here.


    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
    X | FB | LinkedIn


    I always have my verge folder on my D:/ drive. Usually the verge installer will install the addon into the blender install folder, but it isn’t doing so for some reason. So I have been trying to manually install by copying the addon folder out of the verge folder and pasting it into the C:\Users\usmartja\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.82\scripts\addons\ folder.

    See attached __init__.py


    Hi Yuri,

    I have a small problem with cursor (arrows) control. When I open my project on your server it works great but when I try to open the project through an iframe, I cannot use the arrow keys to move:

    Your server: https://cdn.soft8soft.com/AROAJSY2GOEHMOFUVPIOE:d3eeb818b4/applications/stand-test01/stand-test01.html

    Test url on our server: https://www.dutchsynergy.com/exh-test.html

    Any idea? :scratch:


    @samuraijkm could you please try the following:
    1. uninstall/remove Verge3D
    2. uninstall/remove Blender
    3. reinstall Blender (BTW, there is a new version out – 2.82a)
    4. run Blender for the first time and close it (so that it is allowed to create __init__.py)
    5. run Verge3D installer as usual

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    @daan22 Hi,

    Nice application! Please try this approach: https://www.soft8soft.com/docs/manual/en/introduction/FAQ.html#keyboard_not_working

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    I uninstalled verge and Blender and deleted my app data. Reinstalled Blender, opened it once and then installed verge and the plugin was never installed properly. I then tried manually copying it from the verge folder again and when I go to enable it I get another error. See attached… :cry:


    Hi Yuri,

    I finally got it to work, but I had to install verge in the default path on my C:/ drive. Whenever I changed the default location to my data drive the verge plugin doesn’t get installed. This is an issue for me as my C:/ drive is not backed up at work. Only my D:/ data drive is. Can you guys look into this, because it seems to be an error with the verge installer ? For now, can you tell me if there is a way to edit the init file for verge to point to a different drive and I can manually re-link to my verge files.

    Thanks for your help,


    I just made a symbolic link from my C drive to the location on D and it seems to work for me. :yahoo: Still, I think you might want to look at the installer to keep that from happening to others.




    So I added the focus function but it does not seem to be solving the issue. I can look around but not move. Funny thing is that when I switch tabs and go back, moving with the keys works as expected.

    Any idea on how to get it to work immediately when loading the page?


    @samuraijkm glad you found a solution! We tried to reproduce the situation with different hard drives, by installing Verge3D on a flash drive, but still no luck… Anyway, today we released the 3.0.1 update which addresses some issues with installation. Might give it a try.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    looks like it work in chrome but not in FF
    Try something like this:

    setTimeout(your_iframe.focus, 0);

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Hi Yuri,

    Thanks for your feedback. I am testing on Chrome. Using the scripts you suggested I could not solve the problem. The only thing that seems to work is open a dialog window on load. When clicking this window away, I can navigate with my keyboard trough the 3D scene.

    I need some kind of popup for navigation instructions anyway so this works for me. :good:


    errors reported with a basic new project out of MAYA.

    computer: 2019 MacPro 3.2 GHz 16-Core, 192 GB RAM, AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 32 GB

    Operating System: OSX 10.15.6
    Chrome Browser: Version 85.0.4183.102 (Official Build) (64-bit) – latest build
    Verge3d Plugin for MAYA – latest available from site version 3.3.1 (trial)
    Maya 2020 – latest release. CutID: 201911140446-42a737a01c

    When viewing the standard “My Awesome App” or any unaltered app having been created using the Verge3D App Manager. The base my_awesome_app.html or similarly unaltered .html project name file will have the following errors if loaded in the above mentioned Google version when viewing in developer mode.

    v3d.WebGLRenderer: KHR_parallel_shader_compile extension not supported. get@ v3d.js:1

    v3d.WebGLProgram: gl.getProgramInfoLog() WARNING: Output of vertex shader ‘vViewPosition’ not read by fragment shader
    N @ v3d.js:1

    The above errors continue to persist after deleting the standard cube that is built in Maya for a base project.

    Errors are not present when the projects are built via Blender.

    Route 66 Digital
    Interactive Solutions - https://www.r66d.com
    Tutorials - https://www.xeons3dlab.com

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