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Reconnect xml/Puzzles

Home Forums Puzzles Reconnect xml/Puzzles

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  • #4093

    Because i renamed my Project-File the App Manager lost the connection to the Puzzles/xml-File. I set back the the Name of the Project-File, but in the App Manager there is no Puzzles icon for this scene. Is it possible to reconnect the Puzzles-Setup or do i need to create the whole setup again?



    I tried renaming the app folder and the main html file but could not reproduce the issue. If you’d like us to take a look, please attach a sample on the forums or send a link to your project sources by e-mail.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Hi Yuri,
    thanks for your quick answer. But in this case it will be faster for me to just create a new Project-Folder and rebuild my Puzzles-Setup (which was very simple) instead of searching for the issue.
    Best Regards,


    rebuild my Puzzles-Setup (which was very simple)

    As an alternative, you can copy the visual_logic.xml file to the new folder

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    I tried to do that, but that doesn’t rebuild the connection and the Puzzles icon is still gone in the App Manager. But i finished already the new setup including Puzzles. Sorry that we cannot recreate the mistake i made or the error that happened.


    I found the solution for my problem: I deleted the “<!–__VERGE3D_PLAYER__–>”-line in my html file when i edited the meta data. This will break the connection to the Puzzles editor. :scratch:


    Okay, good to know :good:

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter

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