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Price calculation logic

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    Hi, I’m testing a way to calculate prices for different elements in a scene, as a proof of concept for a future project. I invented a way for the elements to have responsive prices that add and subtract to each other and to give a correct total at the end.
    Here is the scene (it’s basic, no art here :whistle: ), with the 3 top buttons that are doing their job:

    I attached a printscreen which shows the puzzles I used for each of the buttons.

    Do you know a way to achieve this in a more “healthy” or straightforward way, given the fact that more products will be used at the same time at the end?
    (I am completely new at this, at programming, and I made everything by modifying parts of the example projects, improvising and mostly by trial & error :wacko: ) Any advice would be appreciated. B-)

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    Hi there,
    For starters…there are just so many ways to accomplish various tasks its hard to say what is “the best way”. Of course the best way for you and the best way for someone else could be completely different. Since you are new to programming I would say you have done a good job. Keep building it out…worst case is you learn more about programming and puzzles.

    You are using Puzzles to create an HTML interface. The process with puzzles is possible as you have demonstrated but you will probably find that a bit of HTML and CSS you can create cleaner interfaces very quickly that can be used for overlays.

    As an example…I created a demo for post-processing effects when I started learning Verge3d, it also contained a menu/ordering system/calculator for virtual beer B-)


    Since you are new to programming puzzles…I would suggest learning some basic HTML/CSS its much faster and easier to modify than puzzles but like I said…there is no wrong way…just a way that you feel comfortable with. Looks like you are on the write path.

    Route 66 Digital
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    Hi allexrh,

    I am trying to do a similar example as your setup describes. Your input is very helpful.
    Still I am not sure what the innerHTML document is. Could you explain? Is this something I need to set up separately?

    Would you be able to be so generous and share the complete files of this set up?

    That would be very kind!

    Thank you!

    VIT view

    Did you found your solution ?
    Best regards


    The logic is simple: check visibility and re-calculate…


    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.

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