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Play sound in with Puzzles

Home Forums Puzzles Play sound in with Puzzles

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    Is it possible to play sounds with Puzzles?


    Sound puzzle was requested before so I’m adding it to our nearest TODO. Will start working on this on Monday.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Thanks Yuri :good:


    Emailed the link with the developer preview build for you to check it out. :)

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    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    I, too, like a beginner, still have questions.
    Yuri, could you make a lesson with an example of creating a simple application on Verge3D? At least for example with one cube, which begins to rotate immediately after loading and one monkey, starting to rotate after clicking on it.
    It is very desirable that the lesson be a video. To make it clearer, where to begin the development process.


    Sorry, wrote in the wrong section :)
    I asked the same question in the branch https://www.soft8soft.com/topic/animations-from-gltf-file/#post-2144


    Is there a minimum length for sound in a mobile browser, I have a tick.mp3 sound (a very short tick-like sound) and it plays fine on desktop browsers but the only way I can get it to play on a mobile browser is to first play it in some other way then it will play inside of some puzzle code.


    Such a short sound is probably “played off” before it is loaded. Saving it in a variable in the beginning of your puzzles may help (similar to the example in the release article)

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    I tried that (saving it in a variable) didn’t work. weird thing is once it’s played it works from then on.


    P.S. I’m going to buy a personal copy of Verge3D for myself today!


    Brian, thank you for becoming our customer. I’m posting here the same solution that I sent you via email.

    The problem with sound on mobiles lies in security policy now enforced in all mobile browsers. The sound playback on mobiles is only allowed via explicit user action (touch).

    To work around this common problem, you can play all your sounds upon user action at first. After that they will become available for playing inside time events. See the attached example.

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    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    In what folder should I place my sound files so that Puzzles can find them. I have tried putting them in the media folder of my project, but every time I click the object my sound is assigned to I hear nothing. in your examples the sound is called .\mySound.mp3 or .\breath.mp3. I even tried to spell out the entire path as:
    C:\Users\Me\verge3d\applications\my_awesome_app\media\Wilhelm.ogg, but still I get no sound. Please advise, thanks.



    We recommend placing sounds somewhere inside your app folder. If you place sounds in the media folder make sure the path contains it, e.g.

    Also, not all browsers support the OGG format. You might want to convert your sound to the more widely supported MP3 format.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Thanks Yuri. Verge3D is great!


    Sure. Thank you too. :)

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter

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