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Performance info – System Material – MeshDepthMaterial – 14.8ms

Home Forums General Questions Performance info – System Material – MeshDepthMaterial – 14.8ms

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    When printing the performance info I get the following as the most expensive material to render:

    System Material - MeshDepthMaterial - 14.8ms

    It is many times slower than any other material. The next material down has a rendering time of 1.1 ms.

    My question is: What is this really?

    I found this link to Verge3D documentation which is very similar to the ThreeJS documentation. However, I still don’t understand what to change in my scene to improve this.

    One test I did was to use the code snippet given here, to change all materials to basic ones.

    v3d.apps[0].scene.traverse(function(obj) {
        obj.material = new v3d.MeshBasicMaterial({
            color: new v3d.Color(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random())

    The MeshDepthMaterial is still taking very long to render (similar time if not longer).

    Any thoughts?



    Hi Adam,

    This is a so called ‘system’ material which Verge3D automatically creates when it renders depth-based effects, such as shadows, AO, etc. The depth buffer covers the entire screen so it is quite heavy to render. If it slows down your rendering, you can try switching off shadows.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Thank you Yuri! Good to know!

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