Hey everyone!
I am a big fan of Verge3D and I am creating a portfolio website inside of a Verge3D scene at the moment. The issue I am having is the following:
I’ve made multiple html pages like index.html, contact.html, showreel.html, portfolio.html etc. I have them all saved inside my Verge3D app folder like how they explained in the ‘Verge3D for Blender basics’ tutorials. What they however don’t explain is how to handle a scene with mulptiple of these html’s. Whenever I try changing my html code so it will switch out the index.html (which includes my main menu) with contact.html (which includes my contact page) the Verge3D embed in the background resets .
I have been stuck with this problem for quite a while now and tried multiple different solutions with no succes. If there is anyone that could help that would mean the world to me!
Here is my entire project file if needed: https://we.tl/t-3YsB5c4Qz8
Yours sincerly,