I want to use Verge3D for ArchiViz, and I would like to be able to keep both my render and realtime version in the same file. The problem then is i have different material setups and textures. In the Blender 2.80 the materials can now be set up to have two outputs, one for cycles and one for eevee, is this something you would consider implementing in Verge3D aswell , so we can set up render materials with output to cycles for rendering in cycles engine and realtime materials with output to eevee for exporting to Verge3D from eevee engine ? The feature still seem a bit buggy in 2.80, so might be good to wait for that feature to become more stable, just a thought.
I have a possible bug with disconnected textures to, even tho my material has a image texture in it , but it is not connected to output it still seems to be exported and loaded with the rest of the app. Or is that intended behavior to enable texture swapping or something?, maybe an option to include or not include disconnected textures/nodes would be a solution here … ?
Also while I’m at it, and i don’t want to rush you here, but is there an ETA on getting ride of the input lag in movements?