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Lookat constraint – Keep offset being ignored

Home Forums Graphics / 3ds Max Lookat constraint – Keep offset being ignored

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  • #36481

    I’ve got a Lookat constraint with “Keep inital offset” enabled in 3dsMax. But as soon as I export the scene to verge3d, the object behaves if the “Keep initial offest” is turned off.

    Any chance I can control this?



    unfortunately, this setting is not supported at the moment. :unsure:

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    You could try straightening out your object and resetting transforms, then apply the lookat constraint. This may or may not be simple depending on your rig. I had to do this with a hydraulic piston recently and it allowed me to disable the “keep initial offset” setting.


    Is it possible to implement that option in future versions?

    Is there any other option, maybe with the constrain puzzles from verge? I’m trying to recreate the slight rotation effect when you move the cursor. So that the geometry is always facing to the mouse cursor with a slight delay.


    Yeah, I already thought about constraining the object and then rotating the pivot so that its facing the correct way, just a bit tedious.


    I’ll discuss this with the team! :good:

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Just had a lot of issues with this also, spent a couple of days experimenting and the only solution I can find that works 100% of the time is as follows…

    After you apply your ‘Look At Constraint’ and your mesh rotates to an obtuse angle, enter edit mode, then select everything in any edit mode you like (vertex, edges, faces or elements) and manually rotate and position the object back to face the way you want it to. Then when you come out of edit mode, and export the Verge3D file, it should all be working fine. :yahoo:

    I know this is a pain but at the moment it is the only way to get the results needed 100% of the time (that I can find anyway).

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by paulstarkey.
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