I have a rigged character with more controls than my usual projects. I’m testing export, but best result I’ve gotten is either the character animated with position wacked (jumping, moving with some control) or completely static or with every joint in separate animation layer. I’m testing it in babylon.sandbox viewer.
What’s the actual pipeline for rigged character export to gltf?
I also tried babylon, but it seems to give worse results than Verde in this case, I think there’s too many controls for Babylon.
I bake in Maya. tried baking, exporting as FBX and exporting that with Verde too.
The odd thing is, if I bake animation, export it as FBX, import the FBX into new scene and use “Sneak Peek” option in Verde3D, the animation previews fine! Only issue with it being that the whole position of the model seems to become parented to some joint and moves with it. While proper export and preview in Sandbox doesn’t work one bit.
This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
laine. Reason: added detail