Hi All,
I am having trouble. I try to make some logic with a parent html, but the ID’s are dynamic generated, thus change all the time. However, there are a few attibutes that stay the same. In the example below is a text input.
The id=”ID0ERE” is dynamic, and can’t being used.
There is also a Fullid, that one is static. Also name is static.
<input value=”” type=”text” onchange=”ChangeInputValue(this);” maxlength=”50″ id=”ID0ERE” data-econ-is-not-used-in-rules=”false” fullid=”Omschrijving” name=”omschrijving” style=”width: 350px;” data-original-value=”” onkeydown=”KeyDown(this, event);” onkeyup=”onKeyUp(event, ‘,’);” class=” ui-widget-content ui-corner-all eConMandatoryNotFilledField eConTextINPUT”>
Is there a way to get the ID usinq querySelector? Can i find some documentation or a sample please? Or do I need to take a complete different approach ?