i’m trying various solutions to have a minimap with a pointer that copies the movement of the user camera. The minimap is a plane parented to the camera, so when camera moves the map remains fixed in the upper side corner of the screen. Then there is a pointer parented to the minimap that replicates the movements of the camera, BUT transformed (x=-100x; y=-100z ;z=-100y) y and z are inverted. I’ve tried the following with no success (works only in blender):
1- transformation constraint in blender (not supported in verge)
2- puzzle in verge with SET POSITION…X =(GET “other object” x -100) etc….. but pointer doesn’t move.
3- maybe i can put another camera pointing down and adding another I-FRAME, like NASA Curiosity App. How do you change camera in the additional i-frame?
Any suggestion is much appreciated. Thanks very much.