I am working on an app for my company which will load the gLTF exported thru your 3DS Max plugin and create a configurator style interface for the models.
I’ve opted to not use the Puzzles or the generated HTML from 3DS Max export but load the gLTF “manually” with the v3djs script following the instructions shown at the bottom “Using Javascript” documentation. Its all working great so thanks for making a great product with good docs!
My question is about if there is a way to import your v3d library thru NPM or another package manager. As far I can see the only way to get the js file was by pulling it from the plugin’s exported files and add it to my web app with a simple script tag.
Ideally I could just include it within my package.json so it integrates better with my bundling tool and will be easier to keep version up to date.
I saw this page in your documentation but it refers to the plain ThreeJs library: https://www.soft8soft.com/docs/manual/en/introduction/Import-via-modules.html
Is there a way to import your v3d library from NPM? If licensing is a concern we have purchased the Enterprise level already and I can provide you with that info if needed.