Your v3d scene generates a huge amount of geometry buffers.

but there is no operation in the project
Are your really sure?
is a culprit. this function, if called every frame (like in your app), generates a lot of geometries.
registerEveryFrame(function() {
Height_value = getObjTransform('移动层_ctrl', false, 'position', 'z') - 0.3;
Function('app', 'v3d', 'puzzles', 'VARS', 'PROC', (('let value=VARS[\'Height_value\'] * 1000;' + '\n' +
'VARS[\'Height_value\']=value.toFixed(0);')))(appInstance, v3d, PL, VARS, PROC);
updateTextObj('Text', Height_value);
updateTextObj('Text.001', Height_value);
Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.
If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.