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How to Manage and Share the Puzzle Library

Home Forums Puzzles How to Manage and Share the Puzzle Library

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  • #19870

    As my firm develops more Verge3D projects, the user-defined puzzle library functionality is becoming more important. We want to develop a common library of puzzles used in our projects. We use theses library puzzles to implement repeatable tasks such as message passing and integration.
    I want to be able to preserve my library between upgrades of Verge 3D and share the library with co-workers. But, the user-defined library puzzles are appended within the /puzzles/library.xml file. So they are stored in an XML file along with other content that ships with the Verge 3D distribution. This mixing of user-data and system data makes sharing a firm-specific user-defined puzzle library difficult. Sharing this type of library requires my team to edit the library.xml file with each upgrade and merge changes.
    Would it be possible to store the user-defined puzzle library data in a separate file?
    If I am missing something about the library functionality, please let me know. Thank you.

    Jeremy Wernick


    Agreed that the Puzzles Library should preserve entries created by users. We’ll discuss a possible upgrade. Thanks for the feedback!

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Shipped with 2.16!

    User-created entries in the Puzzles Library can now be easily restored after engine update as they are now stored in the dedicated file called puzzles/my_library.xml.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Thank you and the team very much!

    Jeremy Wernick

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