So I am looking all over for “make new post” Could not find that but here at the bottom its letting me So maybe I clicked on it and did not know it or that is jsut how this forum works. Anyway.
Cant find the zip file that you use to add verge3d to blender. I installed the verge3d-blender-4.5.1.exe I only use the portable zip version of blender.
I was looking for Blender Verison 2.9. I was looking for the blender version 2.91.4 thinking that it was the specific version I needed. No it will work for everything from 29.1 to blender 4
I am reading the instructions now and it says to find the addon and install it ? where is it ? I can t find it what is the name of the addon ? normally I download a zip file.
a lot of new things to learn
Thank You - brontdmt