Hello, I have a model about rings. Models are designed with blend and verge3d but i don’t have original blend file. I want to add text in middle of the ring. Blend model have Text. I changed it. But i don’t give curve the ring. How can I do that with threejs. Can you help me?
if (child.isMesh && child.name === 'Text') {
const womanMesh = child.clone();
womanMesh.name = child.material.name.replace("Text", "WomanText")
console.log('buradaki child: ', womanMesh);
womanMesh.visible = true;
womanMesh.geometry.parameters.text = child.geometry.parameters.text.replace("dilek","deneme1")
womanMesh.geometry.parameters.parameters.curveSegments = 50;
womanMesh.geometry.parameters.parameters.bevelEnabled = true;
womanMesh.geometry.parameters.parameters.bevelThickness = 2;
womanMesh.geometry.parameters.parameters.bevelSize = 1;
womanMesh.position.x = -1.5;
womanMesh.position.y = 1.8;
womanMesh.position.z = 6.4;
womanMesh.quaternion.w = 0.8;
womanMesh.quaternion.x = -0.7;
womanMesh.quaternion.y = 0;
womanMesh.quaternion.z = 0;
womanMesh.material.emissive.setRGB(4, 4, 4);
baseMat[child.name.replace('Text', 'womanText')] = womanMesh
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