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Getting Instances Created Outside of Verge3D

Home Forums Programming Getting Instances Created Outside of Verge3D

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by masj.
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    I have a scene set up in Blender with several sets of instanced objects that share the same geometry.

    In Verge3D, just curious if there is a built-in method somewhere that can help get all instances on demand for given a single instance, without necessary having to do something like traverse the scene and compare each object’s geometry’s UUID (i.e. in Blender, you can go the other way and get all transforms using a given shape).

    I also noticed that the geometry type of my instanced objects in Verge3D seem to be “BufferGeometry” and not “InstancedBufferGeomtery” – just want to confirm that this still means that all the objects are instances and not duplicates.

    Thank you!


    I am sure there is but you could just create some Collections in Blender and store your instances in those collections and then just reference the collection by puzzle or code.

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    just want to confirm that this still means that all the objects are instances and not duplicates.

    your objects are clones sharing one geometry but they are rendered individually (several render calls). they are not instanced meshes (one render call for all).

    and not “InstancedBufferGeomtery”

    it’s not used any more. InstancedMesh is used instead.

    just curious if there is a built-in method somewhere that can help get all instances on demand

    just put them all into one collection. easy. :unsure:

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    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.


    Thanks. If that’s the case, that’s clearly one option, yes (noting that this will still require traversing the scene, as far as I can tell, so same difference :unsure: ).

    Thanks for bringing my attn to ‘Instanced Mesh’ – good to know.

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