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Follow Path Constraint – Not animating in Verge3d

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    I’m attempting to animate an arrow along a curve path in blender, using the follow path constraint. It seems to be working well in blender, and I can export a rendered video no problem.

    However, the animations are not showing in the verge3d app. There are no actions taking place when viewing the scene in chrome, nor are there any animations for me to select and perform in the puzzle editor…

    I believe I had read that the Follow Path constraint was a new feature added this year, but there is very limited documentation on how to implement it… :wacko:

    Any help would be much appreciated! : :bye:


    The Follow Path Constraint requires threeparts:

    1. Adding the Follow Path Constraint to the object
    2. Assigning the object to the desired path curve
    3. Animating the curve Path Animation – Evaluation Time.

    In many cases its this last step that is missing. It will work in Blender without this last step but its needed for it to work in Verge3D.

    In Blender select the path/curve and open the Object Data Properties, select Path Animation (this should be checked). Select the desired frames you want the object to complete the path animation in and enter it into the Frames Field. Next select the start frame in you timeline and set an Evaluation Time… (typically 0 for start) and then change frames to the end frame location and select the Evaluation Time you need and set a keyframe. Export to V3D and all should work.

    In some cases the blend file will not allow you to add a keyframe the Evaluation Time. In these case right click on the Evaluation Time field and Clear Keyframes….this will then allow you to create new keyframes.

    Hope this helps.

    Route 66 Digital
    Interactive Solutions - https://www.r66d.com
    Tutorials - https://www.xeons3dlab.com


    Xeon! Thank you so much.

    It was the keyframing of the evaluation time that I was having issues with. I was able to assign the key frames once I followed your instructions to clear the keyframes first. All is working in Verge now.



    What a great Software Verge3d is!
    Have animated a little character running along a curve, works in Blender (I have set keys on Evaluation). Doesn’t transfer into Verge. What am I doing wrong ?


    Any ideas please?

    Thank you


    • This reply was modified 1 week, 6 days ago by boing.


    Any ideas please?

    Thanks, seems it’s an iussue because of the empty, this will be fixed in next release.

    Co-founder and lead graphics specialist at Soft8Soft.


    Ah thank you Mikhail. For the meantime, I am just going to use a circle/closed curve instead. Thanks again for all your hard work making Verge3d such a great software!



    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
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