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Feature request – transfer puzzles to another tab

Home Forums Bug Reports and Feature Requests Feature request – transfer puzzles to another tab

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  • #77332
    David Duperron

    Another puzzle editor feature request that would be very useful I think: being able to transfer a puzzle (or selection of puzzles) to another editor tab without copy/paste.
    Copy/Paste will work most of the time, but when you want to transfer a procedure, if you COPY/paste this will create another version of the procedure (with a “2” added to the name) and therefore you need to modify all the instances of the procedure everywhere else… And if you CUT/paste, the editor just removes all the instances of the called procedure everywhere! like when you delete a procedure and the editor automatically deletes where it’s called…
    I know that I can do that directly in the visual_logic.xml and move the <block> from one tab to another, but this requires to edit the XML file independantly, and reload the puzzle editor, which can take some time for large puzzles with many tabs.


    Feature Request for Moving Defined Procedures

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by muhuzhongxun.
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