I’ve seen a few posts about this error, but none of them appear to be resolved, which concerns me.
I’ve published numerous projects over the past year with out this happening, as recently as yesterday. Today I’m getting this error:
Failed to receive Verge3D Network credentials, possibly due to connection error.
Here is the message I get in the Blender console:
Starting App Manager server (port 8668, package BLENDER)
error retrieving refresh tokens 400
b'{“error”: “invalid_grant”, “state”: “random_state_string”}’
Starting App Manager server (port 8668, package BLENDER)
Address already in use, exiting
Requesting S3 credentials
GET /get_credentials 502 Bad Gateway
ERROR:tornado.access:502 GET /storage/net/?req=upload&app=Rigaku_KT-500&zip=0 ( 564.75ms