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eventListener return false

Home Forums Puzzles eventListener return false

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    I have a simple puzzle.

    When clicking on the button, a hash “#” is added to the URL (because the event does no e.preventDefault() or return false;.

    Combining with execution of a custom js function “return false” does also not work.

    How to suppress the “#” when using only puzzle event listeners?

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    show the link to this app. suppose your button with id _001_button_002 has two or more event listeners…

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.


    No other event listeners are present.

    This also makes sense, since no event.preventDefault() is present in visual_logic.js:

    eventHTMLElem('click', '_001_button_002', true, function(event) {
      tweenCamera('Camera.001', 'Cube.002', 1, function() {}, 1);

    I got it working with this cumbersome workaround (see the attached file).

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    Hi rebuhleiv,

    Is your button an < a > element? If it has its href attribute set to “#”, then clicking the link will add “#” to the URL. If that’s the case then the solution is to use other elements like < button > or < div > (that don’t have such default behavior and therefore won’t need event.preventDefault()). Otherwise, you don’t have direct access to the event in puzzles and can’t do much about it, other than using the workaround you already implemented.

    Co-founder and lead developer at Soft8Soft.


    Thanks for your answer. Indeed, a button-tag instead of an a-tag is also a good solution. Thanks!

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