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Document Resize, Stops Rendering

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  • #41561

    I seem to be getting a lot of issues with my app when I am resizing the window in Chrome. Even just opening the debugger with F12, it seems to grind to a complete halt. Could anybody help uggest to me what the issue might be?


    Might need some additional information in order to help.
    From what you have explained, it sounds like the scene may be heavy relative to the system you are running it on.

    There are a number of things you can do to help determine the cause.
    First I would make a backup copy of your existing project.

    Collect the following information
    1. Number of triangles in the scene
    2. How many textures are used in the scene
    3. How many bytes are the textures used in the scene
    4. Are you using annotations and if so…how many
    5. Check your topology, make sure you are using quads not triangles

    If you can report that information back that will help.

    The next thing is to create a new verge3d project file. Output your GLTF and save. Do not create any puzzles. Load the scene in chrome.
    See if you have the same problem. If you do…we can eliminate puzzles and focus on your 3D assets. If the problem is gone…then we can focus on your puzzles and/or HTML.

    If after loading into a new puzzle the problem still exists then you have to look at geometry and textures. If the geometry has under 500K triangles…then I would start by looking at textures. If you have a lot of texture files…this will cause lots of redraws that slow everything down. Its better to have one 4K texture that is used on many objects than individual textures. Make sure the textures are stored local not being requested from an online source.

    If your textures are well packed and maximized across objects then its time to look at topology. To start…drastically reduce the poly count by cutting the count in half….dont delete the number of objects yet…test if a poly reduction sovles the problem. If it doesnt…then reduce the number of objects. If you have lots of objects that are stationary..considering joining those objects and their textures to create one large object with one larger texture minimizing redraws.

    Thats all I got for now let us know what you find.

    Route 66 Digital
    Interactive Solutions - https://www.r66d.com
    Tutorials - https://www.xeons3dlab.com


    Just came across the same problem and I noticed that when the hook “anti alias” in the “disable rendering” puzzle is checked, this happens. To me this looks like a bug. I have the latest version of verge and blender

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