Hey guys,
I am working on a stackable product configurator, built with differently sized segments. I am basing it on a premise that whenever I delete a segment that is not the last in the stack (eg. right in the middle), I need to move every object above the deleted object one level below. I used a dictionary to setup the stack, that goes like this:
Here’s an example of a stack order created by random clicks (objects inside are cloned from within the scene):
Now after I delete an object in level 3 which in hereby example is “Blue3” I want all the objects in higher levels to move down one level, so now the order would be: { Level_0: “Yellow2”, Level_1: “Yellow3”, Level_2: “Blue2″, Level_3:”Yellow_4”, Level_4: “Yellow_5”, Level_5: “Blue4”, Level_6: null }
How do I achieve this?