I am trying to run the V3D app on a wordpress site. I can not use the wordpress plugin for several reasons, so i doing it manually by binding the project to the theme:
$Home_Path = 'http://localhost/wp_testseite/';
$Installation_3D_Path = $Home_Path . 'wp-content/3D_Content/';
echo '<script src="' . $Installation_3D_Path . 'v3d.js"></script>';
echo '<script src="' . $Installation_3D_Path . 'Scroll_Demo.js"></script>';
echo '<div id="v3d-container"></div>';
I am getting the Console log Error:
v3d.js:1 GET http://localhost/wp_testseite/product/beanie/visual_logic.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
The reason is that the V3D Engine is obiously trying to load the visual_logic.js (and more?) always from the current path where the project is called from (the current site).
I expected it would try to load it from the same folder where the V3D.js is located too. I cannot put the project files in the same folder of the Site URL because simply this filepath does not exist. And also I want to keep it more generic.
product/beanie that is the virtual filepath which does not exist
I need all the files to load from \wp-content\3D_Content